RMUSP Scholarship Gala in Bulgar... http://bnt.bg/bg/news/view/90276/romski_studenti_poluchiha_stipendii...
RMUSP Scholarship Gala, Sofia 2012 Roma Educational Fund (REF), Budapest, organizes a Gala ceremony for the winners of the REF RMUSP ac...
RMUSP Scholarship Gala, Prague 2012 More than 40 future Roma professionals received academic scholarships from the Roma Education Fund A...
All children from Makiš Roma set... Posted on 22 November 2012 by Olga Belosavic Milanovic A joint project of the Roma Education Fund, t...
RMUSP Scholarship Gala – B... „A származást a teljesítmény írja fölül” Csányi Sándor színész is beszélt a Ro...
Moratorium 2012 The Board of the Roma Education Fund has suspended the acceptance of project applications from Roman...
RMUSP Scholarship Gala, Kosice 2012 Košice. Rómsky vzdelávací fond 15. novembra v Košiciach zorganizoval galaprogram, v rámci ktor...
Slovak court: No separate classe... A court in Slovakia has ruled that schools cannot place Roma children in segregated classes, Amnesty...
Open ‘CONTEST 2012: Make a Chang... Donated by Neelie Kroes, Vice President of the European Commission in Charge of the Digital Agenda o...