Forbes Hungary Selects REF for i... The Roma Education Fund was honored on December 13, 2014 with an invitation to join Forbes Hungary a...
Együtt Jobb! #EgyuttJobb! Az „Együtt jobb!” elektronikus plakátkampánnyal (#EgyuttJobb) civil szervezetek, válla...
#BetterTogether! Campaign agains... In Hungary the Public Education Act, under paragraph (§ 27 (5) of Art.Z), would authorize the gover...
Scholarship Program Publishes ... Since the existence of the REF Scholarship Program, the selection of its beneficiaries has been main...
REF and Partners Announce over 5... On Tuesday, November 11, at an official ceremony in Prishtina, 500 Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian second...
Study! Grow! Inspire! Unite! REF... On Friday, November 28, over 50 Roma university students gathered together at an official ceremony o...
‘Nothing about us without ... In a recent issue of Race Ethnicity and Education, “Nothing about us without us” argues ...
Study! Grow! Inspire! Unite! REF... On Friday, November 21, at an official ceremony in Sofia, 220 Roma university students were awarded ...
Project Mentors in Romania Train... As the Roma Education Fund Romania puts into place all the components of its four-region ESF-funded ...
REF Projects Cited in Joint UNES... Two REF projects, A Good Start and Mesed (Your Story) were recently featured in the joint UNESCO and...
Study! Grow! Inspire! Unite! REF... On Friday, November 14, at an official morning ceremony at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy &...
Study! Grow! Inspire! Unite! REF... On Friday, November 7, as part of a multicity celebration of this year’s Roma Memorial University ...