Czech Human Rights Minister Cong... More than 30 Roma university students have received their scholarships for the 2015-2016 academic ye...
REF Program and Studies Officer ... REF Program and Studies Officer Stela Garaz will present “The Link between Socio-Economic Back...
New Policy Brief Recommends How ... Europe has segregated Roma children in education for more than half a century....
REF Grantee Furugh Switzer Wins ... The Roma Education Fund congratulates Furugh Switzer on being among the nine winners of the Richter ...
RMUSP Student Forum in Budapest,... More than 110 Roma university students have received their scholarships for the 2015-2016 academic y...
Mr. Nadir Redzepi Selected as th... The Board of Roma Education Fund has the pleasure of announcing that Mr. Nadir Redzepi was selected ...
REF Presents at the Greens/EFA C... REF Grant Manager Beata Olahova joined the Greens/EFA conference “Can Europe afford not to san...
REF Chair Andrzej Mirga Addresse... Opening the first-ever Roma Teachers Working Conference held in Bratislava, Slovakia on November 13-...
RMUSP Students Debate in Kosice,... More than 80 Roma university students have received their scholarships for the 2015-2016 academic ye...
REF Hosts Roma Teachers Conferen... To mark ten years since its establishment, the Roma Education Fund (REF) hosted a Roma Teachers Conf...
Roma Early Childhood Inclusion (... Supported by the Roma Education Fund, the Open Society Foundations’ Early Childhood Program an...
What the Roma Decade Really Achi... Contributing to Open Society Foundations’ Voices, REF Director Judit Szira rewinds the ‪Roma...