A Memorandum of Cooperation between the Roma Education Fund Representative Office in Serbia and the City of Niš was signed on July 4, 2019 in the City Hall in Niš. With this Memorandum further cooperation on the implementation of the project “Employment Empowerment of Young Roma – Phase Two” was agreed.
“Signing the Memorandum of Cooperation between the City of Nis and the Representative Office of Roma Education Fund is yet another step in a successful cooperation by which we continue the realization of the „Employment Empowerment of Young Roma“ project, worth four million euros. Roma Education Fund, branch office in Serbia is implementing the project, with the support of German Financial Cooperation, implemented by KfW on behalf of the German Government – Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development”, said in her speech Nataša Kočić Rakočević, REF Serbia Program manager.
The project aims to develop sustainable mechanisms that would contribute to an improved graduation rate of Roma from secondary school and University, thus helping their successful transition onto the labor market. One of the program goals is to provide Roma graduates with an opportunity to gain skills, which will make them more competitive in the labor market.
Mrs. Kočić added that through REF programs in Serbia, more than 500 Roma secondary school students have received scholarship and mentorship support. Over 250 young Roma have been supported through various professional training opportunities; 185 Roma have been part of first job program as a way to obtain first work experience; and 148 Roma were employed through partnerships with 52 companies and public institutions throughout the country.
The attached information will serve as an overview of different components implemented in Serbia. REF Serbia now continues with implementation of the second phase of the project.
REF KfW Project – Phase 1 – Brief Overview of the Achievements – 1 July 2019