A Good Start: Scaling-Up Access to Quality Services for Young Roma Children
A GOOD START – Objectives
‘A Good Start’s’ objectives are to improve early childhood education and care (ECEC) for Roma to enhance their school readiness and subsequent life opportunities, and to scale up access to quality ECEC services for disadvantaged Roma children.
A GOOD START – Objectives
‘A Good Start’s’ objectives are to improve early childhood education and care (ECEC) for Roma to enhance their school readiness and subsequent life opportunities, and to scale up access to quality ECEC services for disadvantaged Roma children.
The planned outcomes include, improved:
• access to quality early education for disadvantaged Roma children
• parenting practices
• access and use of early health and care services for the young Roma
• transition and access to quality mainstream primary school education
A Logframe is a planning tool which shows how the activities link to the objectives. In effect, they explain what activities are planned, and what the project aims to achieve. If the design makes sense, successful delivery of the activities should lead to the planned outputs and in turn outcomes. During implementation they help keep the focus on impact, ensuring accountability to the beneficiaries.
See attached the ‘Project Summary Logframe’.
The activities planned are listed in the attached 5 documents Timetable of activities. They are grouped by the different countries and locations.
A Link of Interest: