On October 16, 2006 REF Board reviewed electronically 19 project proposals for a total amount of 2 667 447 Euro. The Board approved 5 projects for a total amount of 289 540 Euro. The Board approved one international project, one from Macedonia, one from Romania and two from Slovakia, on a variety of topics: Access to university education, information campaign on the importance of Roma education, support for pre-school education and programs to avoid Roma children to be sent to special schools and special classes. All projects reviewed had be sent to REF before August 2006.
On October 16, 2006 REF Board reviewed electronically 19 project proposals for a total amount of 2 667 447 Euro. The Board approved 5 projects for a total amount of 289 540 Euro. The Board approved one international project, one from Macedonia, one from Romania and two from Slovakia, on a variety of topics: Access to university education, information campaign on the importance of Roma education, support for pre-school education and programs to avoid Roma children to be sent to special schools and special classes. All projects reviewed had be sent to REF before August 2006. The next Board meeting will be on 21 of November 2006, in Budapest.