In Hungary the Public Education Act, under paragraph (§ 27 (5) of Art.Z), would authorize the government to determine in a decree the waivers that could be applied to permit segregation in Hungarian schools.
In Hungary the Public Education Act, under paragraph (§ 27 (5) of Art.Z), would authorize the government to determine in a decree the waivers that could be applied to permit segregation in Hungarian schools.
If the proposed amendments would be voted and adopted without public consultation, the Government and the Minister of Human Capacities will have the tools in their hands to legalize segregated education.
#BetterTogether! aims to raise the awareness of elected decision-makers about the socio-economic dangers of segregation by showing that the integration of Roma and non-Roma children is beneficial for everyone – and the only remunerative solution in the long run.
#BetterTogether! features the voices of Roma professionals like Dr. Ernő Kállai, former Ombudsman in Hungary; Henrietta Dinók, researcher at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences; Erzsébet Gulyás, architect; Tibor Sőregi, business development manager; and Károly Mágó, reporter at TV2, as well as Roma and non-Roma children who will be directly impacted.
The proposed legalization of segregated education violates the integrity of Hungarian society and makes it impossible for all of our children to live together as equal citizens in Hungary.
#BetterTogether brings together the civil and private sectors and associated media partners in an effort to influence the Government’s scheduled vote on December 15 on the future of equality in Hungary.
Join us online at #BetterTogether! #EgyuttJobb!
Express your support by liking, sharing and retweeting the gallery!
And by signing our petition!
Civil organizations joining #EgyuttJobb!
Amnesty International
Autonómia Alapítvány
Bagázs Közhasznú egyesület
ERRC (European Roma Rights Center)
Helsinki Bizottság
Humán Platform
Ide Tartozunk!
Kettős Mérce
LMBT Szövetség
NEKI (Nemzeti és Etnikai Kisebbségi Jogvédő Iroda)
Partners Hungary Alapítvány
Polgár Alapítvány
REF (Roma Education Fund)
Roma Sajtóközpont
Romani Platni
Stúdió K Színház
SZETA Egri Alapítványa
TASZ (Társaság a Szabadságjogokért)
Companies joining #EgyuttJobb!
Magnet Közösségi Ház
Urban Comm