The Advisory Board of Chance for Education Public Foundation aims to support students in the final semester of high school studies, with the purpose of providing support for those who live under adverse financial conditions and who would not be able to continue their studies without the support provided.
The Advisory Board of Chance for Education Public Foundation aims to support students in the final semester of high school studies, with the purpose of providing support for those who live under adverse financial conditions and who would not be able to continue their studies without the support provided.
Applicants must be Hungarian citizens, pursuing their last semester of high school studies aiming to continue their studies as full-time students in any state financed university or college, but are hindered due to financial background.
The support can be granted by way of competition for a ten-month academic/school year. The monthly amount of support cannot be lower than 25% or higher than 40% of the current minimal wage that varies between 16,375 and 26,200 HUF, according to the current rules.
The amount of support by student depends on the decision of the Advisory Board. List of granted applicants will be available on the Public Foundation website from 01/07/2007.
Incompletely filed applications are rejected without the meritorious judgement of the Advisory Board.
Applications must be made via the internet with using the downloadable documents ( and attaching witnessing documents about the reported information. (See the filling guidelines
Deadline: 13/04/2007
Applications must be submitted to the following address:
Oktatásért Közalapítvány/Chance for Education Public Foundation
Báthori u. 10.
Motto: „ESÉLY pályázat” “CHANCE competition”
For further info, please contact:
+36 1 302 6522 (on weekdays 9:00-16:00)