The Open Society Institute and the Roma Education Fund announces the seventh year of the “Roma Memorial University Scholarship” (RMUSP) Core Program that offers a merit-based open competition for Roma nationality students in Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia, and Turkey.
The Open Society Institute and the Roma Education Fund announces the seventh year of the “Roma Memorial University Scholarship” (RMUSP) Core Program that offers a merit-based open competition for Roma nationality students in Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovakia, and Turkey.
Eligible applicants must be openly Roma, citizens of the selected countries and must be pursuing a BA, MA, PhD or relevant degrees at state-accredited and well-acknowledged universities in their countries of residence, majoring in any of the following subjects: law, public administration journalism, political science, sociology, pedagogy, history, psychology, philosophy, economics, finance and
Banking, business administration, international relations and European studies, communications and Public Relations, medicine, engineering, ecology or environmental studies, biology, mathematics and arts.
Applicants who comply with the Program’s eligibility criteria and submit complete report packages respecting the deadlines as set above are considered eligible. The RMUSP Selection Committee grants scholarships on competitive bases to those eligible applicants whose report package has the highest qualitative value.
Annually 600–700 applicants receive the scholarships that must be used for tuition, textbooks, exam fees and living expenses.
DEADLINE: for Renewal applicants (applicants receiving RMUSP in the school year 2006/2007) scholarship: March 31st, 2007.
DEADLINE: for new applicants June 15th, 2007.
Necessary information and condition are available on the website:
Open Society Institute
Roma Memorial University Scholarship Program
Oktober 6 utca 12
Hungary 1051.