Project “EU Regional Action: Increased Education Opportunities for Roma Students in Western Balkans and Turkey”
UPDATE 17th of August 2020: DEADLINE EXTENDED for applications for Serbia. New deadline – 26 August 2020, until midnight
UPDATE 3rd of August 2020: Application form – corrected. Please use this version of Application Form when preparing your application.
Call open until August 16, 2020
Objective of the call
The objective of the call is to select partner organizations for the implementation of activities related increasing access and participation of Roma students in tertiary education and transition to labor market. These activities will serve as a bridge for young Roma tertiary students and graduates towards employment and active citizenship, by providing tailored training in professional development, computer courses, foreign language competences, but should as well include support to Roma students in education in respect to needed mitigation of the negative consequences of COVID-19 and its potential reoccurring.
Particular attention will be paid to ensure that the partners are aware of gender-sensitive approach and to apply it in the project implementation.
There will be one grant awarded in each country.
Geographical coverage
Eligible countries where the project should be realized are Turkey and Serbia.
Note: The applicant needs to take into consideration during the selection of specific locations that the proposed project activities cannot take place at those locations where there is currently an on-going REF supported project.
Target group
The target group are Roma students accepted to full time BA studies from the 2020/21 academic year and to be followed during one school year period. REF plans to increase the scale of interventions and number of new activities in countries where it has cultivated strong partnerships and solid implementation capacities, thus the size of target groups might be changed slightly due to this reason.
Note: The beneficiaries of this project cannot be persons who are beneficiaries of other REF’s interventions in the countries of operations.
- Number of scholarship recipients 30/year
- Number of students participating in mentoring and tutoring 30/year
- Number of students in internship placement up to 30/year
- Number of students in professional development 30/year
- Number of scholarship recipients 16/year
- Number of students participating in mentoring and tutoring 16/year
- Number of students in internship placement up to 16/year
- Number of students in professional development 16 /year
Templates and documents available for download:
- Glossary of Terms
- Application form
- Budget template
- Project Implementation Plan template
- Organizational eligibility assessment template
- Annex 4. Signed partnership statement (if applicable)
- List of Active Grants GRANT DPT
- List of Active Grants DGN