Under the agreement with the European Commission Directorate-General European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) to implement the second wave of the multi-country Roma Education project in the Western Balkans and Turkey: 7 countries
Extended DEADLINE – August 20th, 2023
All the other conditions and documents remain the same
Following the successful closure of the first wave of the contract signed with DG NEAR (financed by a EUR 3 million contribution from the European Commission, together with EUR 800,000 co-funding) – “Increased Education Opportunities for Roma Students and Roma Youth in Western Balkans and Turkey” – Roma Education Fund (REF) contracted the second wave (financed by a EUR 4 million contribution from the European Commission, together with EUR 500,000 co-funding).
The program follows the same operational frame as the previous one, however, considering the significant changes in the strategical approach of Roma Education Fund, and the new emerging tendences on the market, the grants to be implemented should follow these ones. The ultimate scope of the interventions should be the development of resilient communities through education, using as approaches the growing mindset of the Roma communities, enhance the educational access of the Roma communities, developing the human resource capacity at each possible level, implying use of technology and progressive methodologies.
One of the most important approaches should be, rather than mediate or bridge the relationship of the communities towards the school environment, to facilitate the communities’ relationship building processes and participation in the educational processes. Considering the continuously changing realities, the major challenges of the last years (pandemic, economic crises, war), the essential aspect is to develop projects, interventions which will have an innovative approach in building excellence on all educational levels in our communities, and also in consideration of the details included in the calls for selection. All the technical frames and details are included in the below links, which include the calls for selection and the application packages on each education level (ECD and Primary education – ECD and PRI; Secondary Education – SEC; Tertiary Education – TER) for the seven countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Turkey).
For call for selection for ECD and PRI, click HERE
For ECD and PRI application form, click HERE
For ECD and PRI budget form, click HERE
For call for selection for SEC, click HERE
For SEC application form, click HERE
For SEC budget form, click HERE
For call for selection for TER, click HERE
For TER application form, click HERE
For TER budget form, click HERE
Application deadline: July 14, 2023 August 20th, 2023
Applications have to be submitted at: rareproposals@romaeducationfund.org
* UNSCR 1244/1999