Call open until May 7th, 2019
The Roma Education Fund’s (REF) mission and goal is to contribute to closing the gap in educational outcomes between Roma and non-Roma. In order to achieve this goal, the organization supports policies and programs which ensure quality education for Roma through scholarships, grant making and advocacy activities.
The objectives of REF include:
– Expanding Roma children’s access to quality early childhood education and care;
– Improving primary education outcomes for Roma children aged six to fourteen;
– Boosting academic performance and graduation rates from secondary education for Roma pupils;
– Supporting access to tertiary education, improving graduation levels and strengthening identity of
Roma university students, and
– Expanding employment opportunities for young Roma adults.
The Roma Education Fund operates in close links with civil society and institutional partners in 16 countries of Central, Eastern, and South-Eastern Europe.
The objective of the call is to select an/or individual(s) for the implementation of an advocacy fellowship, with the maximum amount of 5,000 EUR,which will be in line with REF’s strategic framework (can be found linked in the documents below) and contribute to achieve the vision of REF.
For detailed information regarding the advocacy fellowship, selection criteria, and application form please download the documents:
Advocacy Fellowship call for proposal
Advocacy Fellowship Application Form