In order to strengthen the financial monitoring and improve the transparency of the management of the grant program, REF has decided to perform an independent financial review of the projects with an overall budget over EUR 50,000 that are committed from 2016. In the current project portfolio of REF there are 18 projects that are subject to an annual audit according to this decision, out of the 18 projects 3 has a total budget over EUR 150,000.
For purpose of auditing all REF projects over EUR 50,000 (the “Projects” or for individual project with a budgeted value of over EUR 50,000, the “Project”), REF wishes to engage the services of an audit company with appropriate professional background and capacities to perform a desktop financial review. The audit shall be carried out by an external, independent and qualified auditor team in accordance with the international audit standards. The audit will be a normal “desktop” review only based on the documents submitted by the grantee to REF Finance Department.
For further details on the call download the 2018 Term of References for Annual Project Audits.