Project “Increased education opportunities for Roma students and Roma youth in Western Balkans and Turkey”
Call for the selection of implementing partner organization in the field
of Expanding access to quality early childhood education and primary school in Albania
Deadline: September 6, 2019
In 2018, Roma Education Fund (REF) started implementing the project Increased education opportunities for Roma students and Roma youth in Western Balkans and Turkey, funded by European Union (EU). The project aims to reduce the gap between Roma and non-Roma in the participation and completion of quality education, to improve Roma students’ transition between education and employment, and promote
durable systemic change and de-segregation within education systems in the Western Balkans and Turkey.
The project objectives will be achieved through:
- supporting Roma children in pre-school education and enrolling them into integrated primary schools;
- awarding scholarships to Roma students in secondary and tertiary education;
- supporting transition between education and employment;
- building capacities of relevant authorities and their understanding of the specific challenges faced by the Roma community;
- supporting regional networking and exchanging experiences with the aim to contribute to the mainstreaming of Roma in national policies and, where relevant, changes in policies and legislation.
The objective of the call is to select the partner organization for the implementation of the early childhood education and primary school activities of the project in Albania.
The objective of the financial support is to: improve Roma children’s access to preschool education, facilitate access and enrollment of Roma children into mainstream primary schools and support the academic progress of children enrolled. Moreover, the activities will contribute to strengthening the link between parents and educational institutions.
Particular attention will be paid to ensure that partners are aware of a gender-sensitive approach and to apply it in the project implementation.
To apply and for all details please download the complete call here.