Since 2009 Roma Education Fund has published Country Assessments, which had the purpose of collection and analyzing country level data to inform Roma Education Fund, partners, and other interested parties on the demographics of Roma, the educational system, the status of Roma in education, health, housing, and other socioeconomic indicators. In addition, past country assessments have documented government and donor commitments, as well as REFs historical commitments and future strategy.
The 2018 Slovakian Country Assessment is a pilot of a new format and methodology in obtaining information about status of Roma in the educational system. The pilot will combine general policy analysis present in the previous Country Assessment format and youth participatory action research methodology (YPAR) for the purpose to gain knowledge about educational status and inequalities that is held by those that are directly living and impacted by the inequalities in the educational system.
Call for Proposals
Roma Education Fund invites proposals for leading a research project in Slovakia. It is expected that the leading organization is an accredited research institution. For instance, a university research department, independent research consultancies, think tank, or NGO with strong research activities.
This call is requesting a joint proposal that includes an “Education Research Expert” and an “Implementing Organization”. Therefore, eligible proposals will require the organizations to respond to the call jointly. In addition, it is preferred if the two entities have worked together on previous projects. In addition, both entities will work closely with the REF Slovakia office in targeting locations for research purposes, identifying policies, and other assistance and learning throughout the process.
Education Research Expert: The project requires expertise in managing education research, conducting analysis of educational systems, writing high quality reports in English, and database development and data analysis. The Education Research Expert will be the leading organization that develops the research methodology, develops and manages a project plan, ensures the completion of project milestones, and delegates responsibilities as needed to complete project objectives.
Implementing Organization: Organization and management of personnel and activities related to field work, youth researchers, and advocacy is required. Further, the implementing organization is the core of the research project as it pertains to the Youth Researcher capacity building, collection of data, and future advocacy efforts.
It is crucial that the implementing organization has strong connection and network within the Roma community. The Youth Researchers needs to feel comfortable with their staff and there must be a mutual trust relationship. While their will need to be supervisory and management roles, the implementing organizations must understand, accept, and incorporate the ideas, thoughts, and viewpoints of the Youth Researchers into the research project as their peers.
Roma Education Fund identified and proposes a group of secondary and tertiary Roma students who are in the process of establishing a Slovakian RomaVersitas as the Youth Researchers. The participation of these students as the Youth Researchers will build their capacity in research, advocacy, and leadership that will continue to be influential within the RomaVersitas organization. In the proposal please include details on how to include this group of students as the Youth Researchers. If you want to propose another target group as the Youth Researcher, please provide details on the group and justification for their participation.
How to apply
The proposal must include both the “Education Research Expert” and “Implementing Organization”. Only applications that include both parties and all items described below will be considered for the position.
Roma NGOs and Roma research institutions are highly encouraged to apply.
For the detailed Terms of References, background and further info see TOR attached in PDF document.
Applications must be sent to:
Marko Pecak at:
Deadline for submission: November 12th, 2018
The subject of the email must read: “Participatory Country Assessment: Slovakia”
A complete submission must in include the following:
- A capability statement which describes both the “Education Research Expert” and the “Implementing Organization” ability to conduct the project and describes previous work which is related to the proposed project.
- Proposal including methodology, data collection techniques, project activities and milestones, and project timeline
- Financial proposal
- Term of reference
- Curriculum Vitae of all individuals on the project team