he Roma Educarion Fund is hiring a Database Developer for a short term consultancy contract for our EU DG NEAR project: Increased education opportunities for Roma students and Roma youth in Western Balkans and Turkey .
We are looking for a Database developer who will be responsible for designing databases for each level of schooling covered by the project and for employment. The consultant is to develop guidelines and dashboards with availability for remote input of data and local data management. The developer shall be ensuring databases stability, reliability, and performance. You will closely work with project team under Project Manager. You will help solving all database usage issues and come up with ideas and advices that can help avoiding such problems in the future.
Background / Project Description
The project “Increased education opportunities for Roma students and Roma youth in Western Balkans and Turkey” is aiming to contribute to improved social cohesion through increased education attainment and improved employability of marginalized Roma populations, as well to foster cross-country and regional dialogue and knowledge transfer. The project is implemented by Roma Education Fund in collaboration with local implementing partners and it is funded by European Union. The actions of the project strive to:
- Promote equal participation in quality education for Roma children and youth at all educational levels (pre-school, primary, secondary, university and vocational), and to improve educational outcomes (including preventing school drop-out) with a special focus on reducing the wide gap between male and female education levels;
- Improve Roma youth employability, with a focus on gender-sensitive measures in employability, and smooth transition between end of studies and employment market;
- Promote desegregation and systemic durable change for Roma in the education sector by producing a change of attitude towards Roma and Roma communities; by strengthening the capacities of relevant central and local institutions through regional exchange of experiences; and by using Roma role models as actors of change.
The primary target group of the project will be up to 4,700 disadvantaged Roma children and their parents in the seven target countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo[1]
, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey (project’s countries).
Project’s Activities are:
- Expanding access to quality Early Childhood Education/ECD services;
- Expanding access to quality primary school education;
- Increasing performance and employability of Roma secondary school students;
- Increasing access and participation of Roma students in tertiary education and transition to labor market;
- Contributing to policy development and regional knowledge exchange and communication.
Purpose of the Assignment
The primary objective of this assignment is design and maintenance of the database for each level of education and for employment as well as developing guidelines for its utilisation. The Database Developer shall be ensuring database’s stability, reliability, and performance.
The goal of using database is to standardize the collection, entering, processing and analysing the existing and new indicators for each of the levels of education and employment, simplify the data input process, enable the input of the data at the beneficiary level, and to have well organized data that will aid in providing reports, as well as measure project results and impact.
Detailed Scope of Work
The scope of work for the development of the database is outlined as follows – Database Developer will:
- Identify the project needs in collaboration with the Project Team (at least one meeting shall be held, in person or via internet), review of existing indicators which need to be tracked by the database and review of available software and identification of its’ necessary modifications);
- Create the database for early childhood, primary, secondary and tertiary education as well as for employment;
- Ensure that data entry interface of the database will be created to be user friendly based on predetermined guidelines;
- Enable remote entering data in the database as well as different levels of permissions;
- Develop a reporting templates and will ensure ability to create ad-hoc reports;
- Create a user manual on the database and provide brief training to the relevant staff on the use and navigation of the database;
- Recommend, develop, and document a backup and recovery strategy utilizing relevant backup methodologies;
- Recommend, develop, and document maintenance plan and instruct the Project Officers on ongoing management and maintenance of the database;
- Provide maintenance of the database (debugging and minor improvements incorporated to the database in no longer than 48-hour timespan);
- Respond to feedback from the Project Team during the creation and maintenance of the database.
Database developer will closely work with Project Team.
Desired Skills
- Strong proficiency with SQL and its variations among popular databases
- Experience with some of the modern relational databases
- Skilled at optimizing large complicated SQL statements
- Knowledge of best practices when dealing with relational databases
- Capable of configuring popular database engines and orchestrating clusters as necessary
- Capable of troubleshooting common database issues
- Familiar with tools that can aid with profiling server resource usage and optimizing it
- Strong understanding of Windows Server environment
- Strong experience in writing test cases
- Strong analytical skills
Desired Qualifications
- Bachelor in IT, Engineering, Economics or other relevant field of studies and relevant experience
- 2+ years MI development and analysis
- Integration experience
- Ability to present data and gather requirements
Institutional Arrangement
The Data Base Developer will work under supervision of the Project Manager and guidance of the Project Officers and IT offiver based in REF Headquarters Office in Budapest
Work Duration
The development of database shall be completed by 25 December 2018. The maintenance of the database shall be available until 30 June 2021.
A complete application includes:
Curriculum vitae or resume
Statement of interest, that should include:
- Your academic / education in the field of data base development;
- Any previous experience on data base development for similar projects;
- Your previous experience working with Roma communities and civil society organizations (CSOs) or other relevant stakeholders;
Technical offer, that shall contain brief description of the proposed solution(s) based on provided scope of work and illustrative list of indicators (Example is given in the Annex. Illustration on type of indicators and data to be collected for one education model. Not all data presented in the annex will be collected, the annex serves just for an example). It shall also include the proposed software solution as well as time schedule for completion of the assignment.
Financial offer, that shall contain the fee, gross amount in EUR, for
- Database development (global amount)
- Licensing fees (if any)
- Server requirements (if any)
- Data hosting requirements (if any)
- Maintenance of the database (fee per hour)
Application must be made in English and must be submitted at the latest by 15 November 2018 to the following address: recruitment@romaeducationfund.org . Please include in the subject line “Data Base Developer”.
Individuals identifying themselves as Roma, Roma Education Fund scholarship recipients, and fulfilling the above-mentioned profile and requirements are particularly encouraged to apply. Qualified female candidates are particularly encouraged to apply.
[1] This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.
This project is co-funded by
European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations