The Roma Education Fund (REF) is looking for two part-time Country Facilitators to ensure the implementation of the project activities in Turkey (Mersin) and in Serbia and Montenegro within the project “Increased education opportunities for Roma students and Roma youth in Western Balkans” funded by European Union. The Facilitator should closely collaborate with the national/local institutions and REF implementing partner organizations in Turkey on access to quality education at all levels for Roma children and youth and facilitate opportunities for Roma youth employability. Accordingly, the Facilitator will act as REF National Focal Point for Turkey and in collaboration with the project team will oversee the implementation of the project at the country level.
For further details click the respective links below:
Country Facilitator for Serbia and Montenegro
Increased Education Opportunities for Roma Students and Roma Youth in Western Balkans and Turkey
Click here for call and Terms of Reference
Country Facilitator for Turkey
Increased Education Opportunities for Roma Students and Roma Youth in Western Balkans and Turkey
Click here for call and Terms of Reference