Roma Education Fund (REF) is seeking seven Research Assistants (RA) be a key member of a team tasked to conduct a community needs assessment in Western Balkans and Turkey for the project Increased Education Opportunities for Roma Students and Roma Youth. This is a short-term and part-time opportunity of two months, where the research assistants will develop data collection methodology and implement field research, as well as assist in data processing, analysis and drafting a report.
Roma Education Fund (REF) is seeking seven Research Assistants (RA) be a key member of a team tasked to conduct a community needs assessment in Western Balkans and Turkey for the project Increased Education Opportunities for Roma Students and Roma Youth. This is a short-term and part-time opportunity of two months, where the research assistants will develop data collection methodology and implement field research, as well as assist in data processing, analysis and drafting a report.
The Roma Education Fund is implementing a 39-month regional project titled “Increased education opportunities for Roma students and Roma youth in Western Balkans and Turkey”, funded by European Union. The RA will contribute to the project inception phase, where the community needs assessment will be valuable in the design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of the project.
The RA will be part of the REF assessment team that includes:
- Project Officers
- Research Officer
- Country Facilitators and Country Coordinators
For the 2 months of this opportunity the RA will assist the assessment team in developing a community needs assessment for one of the project countries (one RA will be responsible for one country). Data will be collected through national and local educational data sources, surveys, interviews, focus groups, and observation.
We encourage applicants who have recently graduated from their BA, MA, or Roma Graduate Preparation Program (RGPP) and are interested in an opportunity to gain experience in using the research skills they developed in their studies. Female qualified candidates are encouraged to apply. Please note that the RA must be based in one of the following countries during the 2 months of this opportunity: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey.
The project “Increased education opportunities for Roma students and Roma youth in Western Balkans and Turkey is aiming to contribute to improved social cohesion through increased education attainment and improved employability of marginalized Roma populations, as well to foster cross-country and regional dialogue and knowledge transfer. The actions of the project strive to:
- Promote equal participation in quality education for Roma children and youth at all educational levels (pre-school, primary, secondary, university and vocational), and to improve educational outcomes (including preventing school drop-out) with a special focus on reducing the wide gap between male and female education levels;
- Improve Roma youth employability, with a particular focus on gender-sensitive measures in employability, and smooth transition between end of studies and employment market;
- Promote desegregation and systemic durable change for Roma in the education sector by producing a change of attitude towards Roma and Roma communities; by strengthening the capacities of relevant central and local institutions through regional exchange of experiences; and by using Roma role models as actors of change.
The primary target group of the project will be up to 4,700 disadvantaged Roma children and their parents in the seven target countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey.
Project’s Activities are:
- Expanding access to quality Early Childhood Education/ECD services
- Expanding access to quality primary school education
- Increasing performance and employability of Roma secondary school students
- Increasing access and participation of Roma students in tertiary education and transition to labor market
- Contributing to policy development and regional knowledge exchange and communication
Description of Responsibilities
- Assist in the development of the methodology for conducting the community needs assessment and data collection instruments
- Conduct interviews, focus groups, administer surveys and desk research
- Identify partners, interview and focus group participants, and survey target group
- Develop and administer field data collection plan
- Specific need of Roma boys and girls, as well as school staff to prepare for gender-sensitive interventions.
- Conduct desk research on current national and local educational and employment policies and other relevant data
- Collect field data, analyze and interpret results
- Other duties as required
Required Education and Experience
- Bachelors’ degree in the social sciences, for instance; political science, sociology, anthropology, social work or some other related field.
- Completion or in process of completing a MA degree preferred.
- Previous experience in working with qualitative and quantitative research methods.
- Previous experience in working with Roma NGOs.
Skills required
- Ability to collect, analyze, and interpret results
- Skills in design of data collection methodologies and/or instruments
- Good knowledge and understanding of the education and employment systems in one of the project countries
- Good knowledge of stakeholder organizations and education and employment networks active in the field
- Excellent organizational, analytical, communication and interpersonal skills
- Fluency in written and spoken English (knowledge of Romanes will be an advantage)
- In-depth understanding of the social, economic and institutional environment in research country, including an understating of the local power structures;
Start date: End of July or beginning of August
Compensation: 800 EUR for a six-week employment term at part-time (50%FTE)
Location: One of the following project countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey.
Application Process
A complete application includes:
- Curriculum vitae or resume
- Statement of interest, that should include:
- Your academic training in research methodology.
- Any previous experience in conducting research, specifically field research.
- Your previous experience working with Roma communities, NGOs, or other civil society organizations.
- Please specify which project country you are applying to.
Application must be made in English and must me submitted at the latest by July 31st, 2018 to the following address: . Please include in the subject line “Research Assistant”.
Individuals identifying themselves as Roma, Roma Education Fund scholarship recipients, and fulfilling the above-mentioned profile and requirements are particularly encouraged to apply. Qualified female candidates are particularly encouraged to apply.
This project is co-funded by
European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations
*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.