Budapest, April 2-3, 2007
The Roma Education Fund has the pleasure to inform you about the international Conference on Education Reform to Support Roma Inclusion to be held in Budapest on April 2-3, 2007. The Conference is organized in collaboration with the Hungarian Government in the framework of the Decade for Roma Inclusion.
Budapest, April 2-3, 2007
The Roma Education Fund has the pleasure to inform you about the international Conference on Education Reform to Support Roma Inclusion to be held in Budapest on April 2-3, 2007. The Conference is organized in collaboration with the Hungarian Government in the framework of the Decade for Roma Inclusion.
The overall objective of the April Conference on Education Reform and Roma Inclusion is to review progress made during the past two years on Roma inclusion in education systems in the Roma Decade countries. The Conference will discuss recent Education policy changes and their impact on the education of Roma children. The Conference has four specific objectives:
1. To review progress achieved by the respective governments since the launch of the Decade of Roma Inclusion.
2. To engage in discussions on the recent challenges in improving education systems and policies to better address the Roma education outcome gap.
3. To identify best practices from programs implemented the last two years and discuss directions for effective scaling up
Ministers of Education and high-level officials representing the Roma Decade countries, delegates of the Roma civil society, academics and researchers, European agencies concerned with social issues, as well as representatives of bilateral and multilateral donor agencies are invited.
The detailed program of the conference and information about logistical arrangements will be announced before the end of the month.