Zagreb on June 18, 2007
A REF team composed of Alexandre Marc, Tunde Kovac, Beata Olahova and Semsi Sainov participated in the official review of the Croatia country assessments and REF working direction document.
Zagreb on June 18, 2007
A REF team composed of Alexandre Marc, Tunde Kovac, Beata Olahova and Semsi Sainov participated in the official review of the Croatia country assessments and REF working direction document.
The meeting took place in the Ministry of Education, in Zagreb, involving about 40 people, among which three Education State Secretaries, a Deputy Minister and assistance Minister, leaders from the Roma civil societies and school teachers, school inspectors and staff from the Ministry of Education. The discussion was extremely lively and revealed that despite an agreement of what should be the objective of programs to improve the inclusion of Roma in education systems, a lot of disagreement exist on the way to meet these objectives.