On 18. 04. 2007 “The Educational Romas Center” has been settled in Oradea University Campus, in Romania. The center was set up by the Ruhama Foundation in order to enable the development of Roma communities in the county, starting from pre-school to territorial studies. According to the President of the Foundation, Marian Daragiu, the most important task of the Center is to help Roma undertake their own identity, acknowledge their rights and obligations.
On 18. 04. 2007 “The Educational Romas Center” has been settled in Oradea University Campus, in Romania. The center was set up by the Ruhama Foundation in order to enable the development of Roma communities in the county, starting from pre-school to territorial studies. According to the President of the Foundation, Marian Daragiu, the most important task of the Center is to help Roma undertake their own identity, acknowledge their rights and obligations. Further more, the Ruhama Foundation hopes that with the help of the Center the middleclass Roma minority will soon appear in the country.
The Center will issue its programs in 20 Roma communities of the Romania. Experts of Roma origin from different countries will work together with the Educational Romas Center, its programs due to start beginning of next year.