One hundred equal opportunity experts are to be trained by the Hungarian Ministry of Education and Culture, as from September 2007 an “Equal Opportunity Plan” will have to be annexed to all regional grant applications submitted. According to the measures of the Department, there will be more than 400 plans of this kind developed.
One hundred equal opportunity experts are to be trained by the Hungarian Ministry of Education and Culture, as from September 2007 an “Equal Opportunity Plan” will have to be annexed to all regional grant applications submitted. According to the measures of the Department, there will be more than 400 plans of this kind developed.
The Educational Department of the Hungarian Parliament will train one hundred experts in equal opportunities, says the Head of the Roma Integration Secretariat, Dr.Timea Borovszky.
The training will be 60 hours long. Applications of interested who aim to help in the integrated education of socially disadvantaged Roma children by improving equal chances are welcomed.
The course aims to train professionals who will help efficiently the local Roma Self- Governments in the development process in defining the problem diagnosis, and in creating equal chances in public education on the settlement level. The plan aims to create equal chances for creation of integrated education of socially disadvantaged and Roma children.
Trained expert will be mainly responsible for cooperating with settlements and institutions applying for EU grants available for public education.
Applications of interested will be chosen upon their practical experiences and not necessarily on their professions. The application process is continuous the nearest training will start as of the end of September.
For further information, please contact:
Tel: 06-1-473-7091, Kovács Anikótól
Oktatatási és Kulturális Minisztérium
Roma Integrációs Titkárság, Kovács Anikó
1055, Budapest, Szalay u. 10-14,