List of local partners with contact details per country
A GOOD START – Partners
The AGS is a complex project with 15 partner organizations. Implementation is based on a cooperative partnership between REF, three international partners and 12 local organizations (mainly Roma NGOs), all of which play an active role in the social inclusion and education of Roma children in their own countries.
• International Partners
A GOOD START – Partners
The AGS is a complex project with 15 partner organizations. Implementation is based on a cooperative partnership between REF, three international partners and 12 local organizations (mainly Roma NGOs), all of which play an active role in the social inclusion and education of Roma children in their own countries.
• International Partners
While the Roma Education Fund has the overall responsibility for implementation, the International Step by Step Association (ISSA) provides expertise on early childhood development in the form of trainings provided to various stakeholders in the project. ISSA is an innovative network of early childhood development professionals and organizations primarily based in Central Eastern Europe and Central Asia. They operate through their local partners which adapt and conduct training sessions in the four target countries. They focus on education for social justice, diversity, teaching methods, mediation, facilitation and parent education. Additionally, ISSA is responsible for developing a handbook or ‘how to guide’ for professional caregivers, and developing an assessment tool for the education environment.
The Fundacion Secretariado Gitano (FSG) pursues activities in 111 Spanish towns and cities and has 76 work centres. It provides technical counselling and supports communication and dissemination assignments. Their contribution includes drafting a policy paper and a good practice guide. The policy paper will cover policy implications for the Structural Funds 2014-2020 programming cycle (and be submitted to DG Regio); the guide will introduce positive methodologies for establishing partnerships as a means for providing good early childhood services for Roma families. In addition to this, FSG is responsible for organizing various events, such as a transnational workshop and the final closing conference in Spain.
The Slovak Governance Institute (SGI), a non-profit civic association, is a Slovak think-tank which has implemented a number of projects in different fields related to good governance and public policy. In the AGS project, it has played an important role in the creation of the Monitoring and Evaluation framework and the project’s monitoring instruments. SGI is responsible for developing the household survey to be conducted with the parents, and is working on a research report based on this. Based on this quantitative analysis SGI will carry out qualitative interviews in order to gain a deeper understanding of the ECEC services provided by the Good Start project. In addition, they are further developing the database and write a good practice guide on data-collection.
• National Partners
In each of the countries there are a number of partners, mainly local Roma NGOs who are responsible for implementation of the project in their locality or localities. But also a university, pedagogical centers and some municipalities and government ministries who also have important role in ensuring an appropriate enabling environment for the project, with the Municipalities in some cases offering rooms for kindergarten classes or transport to pre-school/ school. The main implementing NGO partners are listed here and a fuller contact list is attached.
1. County Association of Roma Initiatives (KARI)
2. Civic Association EQUAL CHANCES
3. MPC Bratislava, regionalne pracovisko Prešov
4. Cultural Association of Roma in Slovakia (KZRS)
1. Ruhama Foundation
2. Roma Center for Social Intervention and Studies (Romani Criss)
1. Citizen’s Association National Roma Centrum
2. Roma Education Center ”Ambrela”
3. Humanitarion and Charitable Association of the Roma KHAM-Delchevo
1. National Charity Association for a Better Future
2. University College of Nyíregyháza
3. Unity in Diversity Foundation