Media coverage of the AGS
- A Good Start phase 2, Romania, Telechiu – STorytelling Roma Mothers Club
They cannot read, but are lecturing images, and learning how to tell a story. Talking about a particular club, which is unique in Romania, where more Roma women from Telechiu village – Bihor county- are frequenting. Most are illiterate but they do love their children to overcome ignorance. They gather weekly to listen to a story, read by a teacher and then, they can take them home to their children, grandchildren and enter the land of fairy tales , the stories of magical universe.
“Do you want your mommy tell you a story?”. This is a question that most of the children have never heard in their early childhood.
Andrea (7 years old) and Rebeca (5 years old) heard a story, for the first time, in their life told by their mother. That’s because their parents, as thousands of Roma mothers who grew up in difficult conditions did not go to school and never learned to read. Monica Varga, a narrator member of the club, said: “It’s very important for me and my girls because my parents were not able to buy me a book.” Now, I can bring home every night the magical world of stories, to my little girls. That’s because Monica is a member of the unique club in Romania.
Camelia Lele, educator explains: “Our project is called storytellers club activity is very new for us and also for the Roma community to which we belong.” Daniela Tutoş, project coordinator says: “Most of the mothers who come to the club, cannot read and write, they do not have elementary studies or they are reading with difficulty and this club will help them develop literacy skills.” A total number of 15 mothers and grandparents entered this club, where weekly they teach about mother on how to say stories to their children, for like two hours.
Daniela Tutoş, the project coordinator said: “Every mother will receive a storybook that will go home and stay in the library of the family. Finishing the 24 sessions, they will have their own mini library at home.” Camelia Lele, teacher confesses: “At first, we short simple stories with colorful images of pets, fruits and vegetables and then we’ll switch to classic stories with longer texts.
” To withhold stories from children’s books, each and every clubmember, the mothers mothers should read or memories some of the sentences. The effort is huge for those moms who have not enjoyed school but they are encouraged to continue still. Laura Varga, storytellers club member said: “I came for the girl, is very important to know how to tell a story every night.” The Universe of stories brings much closer parents and children, as a magnet, it attracts them to school and books. Club storytellers will last about 6 months, during this time the participants will study 24 stories.”
The project represents the continuation of a two years project implementations of the `A Good Start` pilot project, implemented in four countries of Europe (Romania, Macedonia, Hungary and Slovakia, partnering 16 NGOs ).It is the second phase of the AGS project, with support from the European Commission, through the Roma Education Fund – Budapest.
- “A Good Start” – July 27, 2012 ( Dissemination Conference in Kosice) - “A Good Start” – June 2, 2012 ( Dissemination Conference in Kosice) - UNDP Newsletter ` Your Story` page 17-21 download pdf here .
- Transition online Chalkboard Newsletter : here
- Toward an equal start report of The World Bank
- Dissemination conference:
Romania: Monitorizarea Comunicatului de Presa, difuzat de REF in data de 30 mai 2012:- –
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- Dissemination conference of AGS, Brussels 4 June 2012 :
- Radio report from the Hungarian dissemination conference, Kossoth Radio, 180 perc 30th May 2012!#2012-05-30
- Photo exhibition of AGS in Nyiregyhaza College, Hungary:
The Roma Education Fund is pleased to report on the first ever photo exhibition of it’s a Good Start project beneficiary photos. The project is supported by the European Union.
The photos represent both important, beautiful and memorable moments of activities of the different project localities of Hungary, Macedonia, Romania and Slovakia.
The photos catch joyful moments of oblivious playtime, the first day in kindergarten, learning milestones, or happy young mothers with their children participating at community sessions, and there is also great important moments of problem solving, the very first attempts in socializing children in the majority society. (Photographer: Robert Miskovics, Hungary).The event was well recognized in Hungary, both local and regional media reported on it. Please see links below: -
Your Tale/Mesed in Magyar Nemzet:
Your Tale/ Mesed program in Hungary, Roma Magazin:
Interview with REF staff, Hungarian national TV channel ATV, on school segregation, Nyiregyhaza
- Media coverage of the 3rd Transnational workshop, taking place in Bratislava, 2-3 June 2011
Please, copy this link to your url:
C:\Users\ebader\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\GQQZXP17\REF-02 06 2011.htm
1. Brusel aj u nás testuje ako zlepšiť predškolskú výchovu
A Good Start is a pilot project funded by the European Commission, operating in four countries: Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Macedonia. The project is led by the Roma Education Fund and its aim is to improve pre-school education and care services for Romani and non-Romani children up to the age of six, coming from a disadvantaged, socially and economically deprived environment. “Romani children are behind their peers. More than 50% of Romani children are placed in special schools in Slovakia” said the project manager Szilvia Pallaghy. The project is important because it focuses on the work with the parents of the children. In Slovakia, the project is in operation in the cities Banska Bystrica, Martin, and the villages of Abranovce and Zborov.
2. Medzinárodný seminár k projektu Dobrý štart spája expertov a zlepšuje tým predškolské vzdelávanie Rómov
The third international seminar on the A Good Start project took place in Bratislava on 1-2 June 2011 and it was organized by the International Step by Step Association (ISSA) which is one of the main partners of the project. The main aim of the seminar was to promote inclusive pre-school education focusing on disadvantaged children. According to existing data only 20% of Romani children are involved in pre-school education. Slovakia lacks adequate pre-school institutions and almost 60% of Roma children are placed in special schools.The project’s objective is to support the enrolment into pre-school education, provide material aid, support families through health and teacher assistants and provide transportation and educational supplies. The main aim of the project is to build lasting partnerships with the local authorities and to improve the quality of providing inclusive services for young Roma and non-Roma children. From the overall project resources of 2 057 340, 73 EUR more than 600 Slovakian children have been helped with the sum of almost EUR 213,000. The main objective is to build a sustainable partnership with local authorities and to improve the quality of early education.
3. Projekt Dobrý štart
01.06.2011 – Rádio Lumen (Júlia Kavecká, Boris Koróni) – Späť na zoznam článkov
An interview with Viera Hajdukova from Slovak Ministry of Education, one of the partners of A Good Start project, was carried out by Radio Lumen. Viera Haydukova reported that many Romani families are not informed enough about the possibilities for their children who, as a result, have limited access to pre-school education. Andrej Salner from the Slovak Governance Institute (SGI) noted that the project is based on an the data that show taht the experience and habits gained in the first years of life are crucial and have an immense impact on personal development. Salner added that the projectwants to find the most effective approach to family involvement: “We are not trying to verify whether there is a need for working with mothers and their children, we are trying to find out which of the practical methods have the best chance to succeed”.
4. RÓMOVIA: Brusel aj v SR testuje ako zlepšiť predškolskú výchovu
BRATISLAVA 1. júna (SITA) – Viac ako 600 rómskych detí zo Slovenska už využilo pomoc Rómskeho edukačného fondu v rámci dvojročného projektu Dobrý štart (A good start), ktorý je momentálne v polovici a zastrešuje ho Európska komisia. Informovali o tom zástupcovia projektu na medzinárodnom seminári, ktorý sa koná v Bratislave. Pilotný projekt, ktorý okrem Slovenska pôsobí aj v Maďarsku, Rumunsku a Macedónsku, sa snaží zlepšiť predškolské vzdelávanie a starostlivosť o rómske, ale aj nerómske deti vo veku do šesť rokov. Podmienkou je, aby pochádzali zo sociálne slabších či inak znevýhodnených rodín. “Rómske deti zaostávajú vo vzdelaní za ostatnými deťmi. Na Slovensku je viac ako polovica rómskych detí umiestnená v špeciálnych školách,” povedala dnes na tlačovej konferencii manažérka projektu Dobrý štart Szilvia Pallaghy. Na Slovensku pôsobí projekt v Banskej Bystrici, Martine, Abranovciach a Zborove. “Kritériom pri výbere lokality bol najmä socioekonomický faktor, teda príjem rodiny a úroveň vzdelania rodičov, a tiež skúsenosť so spoluprácou s miestnymi orgánmi,” dodáva Pallaghy. Dobrý štart vychádza z prieskumu, podľa ktorého skúsenosti a návyky získané počas prvých rokov života majú silný vplyv na celkový rozvoj osobnosti. “Tento projekt má zmysel najmä v tom, že veľmi úzko spolupracuje s rodinami detí, pretože hlavný problém vidíme práve v rodičoch a nie ich deťoch,” myslí si Viera Hajduková z ministerstva školstva, ktoré je jedným z partnerov projektu. Projekt okrem iného pomáha rodičom detí pri zápise do materských škôl a materiálne ich podporuje. Projekt sa snaží zistiť, ktoré z alternatívnych prístupov, napríklad pri práci s matkami, môžu priniesť najlepšie výsledky. “Snažíme sa rozmýšľať o tom, či je najlepšie robiť s matkami tak, že ich niekto bude chodiť navštevovať domov každý týždeň, alebo či je s nimi dôležitejšie robiť tak, že niekoľko popoludní v týždni sa budú zúčastňovať na spoločných programoch, alebo či je lepšie programy realizovať v komunitných centrách, alebo je lepšie sa napojiť na existujúce materské školy,” vysvetlil Salner. Dobrý štart je aktivitou medzinárodnej neziskovej organizácie Rómsky vzdelávací fond. Explicitne je zameraný na Rómov, ale nie výlučne. Organizácia pôsobí v 14 krajinách Európy a za hlavnú úlohu si stanovila znižovať rozdiely vo vzdelávaní Rómov a Nerómov Celkový rozpočet projektu je viac ako dva milióny eur, na Slovensku pomohol deťom v hodnote takmer 213-tisíc eur. V štyroch krajinách projekt podporuje viac ako 4 000 rómskych aj nerómskych detí a ich rodičov alebo opatrovateľov..
More than 600 Romani children from Slovakia received help from the Roma Education Fund within the two-year A Good Start project. The project is funded by the European Commission and it is also being carried out in Hungary, Romania and Macedonia. The project’s aim is to improve early education and care services for children up the age of six. The project is primarily intended to help Romani children but it also supports non-Romani children. In Slovakia, the project is in operation in 2 cities (Banska Bystrica, Martin) and 2 villages (Abranovce and Zborov) that were chosen based on socio-economic reasons and the experience with cooperating with the local authorities. A Good Start project relies upon the data that show that the experience and habits gained in the first years of life are crucial and have an immense impact on personal development. “This project is significant because it cooperates with families. The main problem we see is with the parents not their children“said Viera Hajdukova from the Ministry of Education.
5. RÓMOVIA: Brusel aj v SR testuje ako zlepšiť predškolskú výchovu
More than 600 Romani children from Slovakia received help from the Roma Education Fund within this two-year project. The project is sheltered by the European Commission and it is being carried out in Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Macedonia. The project’s aim is to improve early education and care services for disadvantaged children from socially and economically deprived areas. The project is primarily intended to help Romani children but it also supports non-Romani children. In Slovakia, the project operates in four localities (Banska Bystrica, Martin, Abranovce and Zborov which were chosen for socio-economic reasons bases and the experience with cooperating with the local authorities. A Good Start project is based on the data that show that the experience and habits gained in the first years of life are crucial and have an immense impact on personal development. The project is important because it cooperates with families. Andrej Salner, the project manager of Slovak Governance Institute in Slovakia stated that the project seeks to find out which of the alternative approaches of working with mothers can bring the best results.
6. SOCIÁLNE: Začal sa medzinárodný seminár k projektu o vzdelávaní Rómov
The third international seminar on A Good Start project organized by the International Step by Step Association (ISSA) which is one of the main project’s partners. Participants at the seminar included representatives of the European Commission’s, Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic, Slovak Governance Institute (SGI) and the partners of the project and other countries. A Good Start project is in operation in four countries in 16 selected localities. In Slovakia, there are two participating cities Banská Bystrica and Martin and two villages Abranovce and Zborov. The project helps more than 4000 Romani and non-Romani children and parents. The main objective of this seminar was to improve care services in early education for economically and socially disadvantaged children who are left behind their peers. According to the available data only 20% of Romani children are part of the pre-school education in Europe. In Slovakia, there is a lack of pre-school institutions and almost 60% of Roma children are placed in special schools. “By educating the Romani children from their early childhood we are increasing their readiness for school attendance and improving their lifelong development” stated Shemsi Shainov, the project manager of the Roma Education Fund responsible for Slovakia.
7. Začal sa medzinárodný seminár k projektu o vzdelávaní Rómov
8. SOCIÁLNE: Začal sa medzinárodný seminár k projektu o vzdelávaní Rómov
Bratislava 1. júna (TASR) – Dvojdňový medzinárodný seminár k projektu Dobrý štart, ktorého cieľom je zlepšiť predškolské vzdelávanie a starostlivosť o rómske deti vo veku od 0 do 6 rokov, sa začal dnes v Bratislave. Projekt sa realizuje v štyroch krajinách – na Slovensku, v Rumunsku, Maďarsku a Macedónsku. “Hlavným obsahom terajšieho, v poradí tretieho stretnutia je zlepšenie praxe v oblasti poskytovania služieb inkluzívneho predškolského vzdelávania so zameraním na znevýhodnené rómske deti, ktoré zaostávajú vo vzdelávaní za ostatnými deťmi”, povedala na stretnutí s novinármi manažérka projektu Dobrý štart Szilvia Pallaghy. Ako ďalej konštatovala, podľa existujúcich údajov sa do predškolského vzdelávania v Európe zapojilo len 20 percent rómskych detí. Aj na Slovensku chýbajú predškolské zariadenia a takmer 60 percent rómskych detí je umiestnených v špeciálnych školách. V spomínaných štyroch krajinách sa projekt Dobrý štart realizuje v 16 vybraných lokalitách. Na Slovensku sú to mestá Banská Bystrica a Martin a obce Abranovce a Zborov na východnom Slovensku. Doteraz projekt pomohol na Slovensku viac ako 600 deťom, táto pomoc predstavuje hodnotu 212.890,35 eura. Celkový rozpočet projektu v štyroch krajinách je 2.057.340,73 eura. Projekt pomáha viac ako 4000 rómskym i nerómskym deťom, ich rodičom alebo opatrovateľom. Dobrý štart vychádza z poznatkov, že skúsenosti a návyky získané počas prvých rokov života majú mimoriadne silný vplyv na celkový rozvoj osobnosti detí. Vzdelávaním rómskych detí od útleho veku zvyšujeme ich pripravenosť na školskú dochádzku a posilňujeme ich celoživotný rozvoj,” dodal ďalší účastník seminára Semsi Sainov, projektový manažér Rómskeho vzdelávacieho fondu zodpovedný za Slovenskú republiku. Rómsky vzdelávací fond koordinuje projekt Dobrý štart. Je to medzinárodná nezisková organizácia, ktorá vznikla v rámci programu Rómskeho desaťročia inklúzie. Tretí medzinárodný seminár organizuje Medzinárodná asociácia Krok za krokom (ISSA), ktorá je jedným z hlavných partnerov projektu Dobrý štart. Zúčastňujú sa na ňom aj zástupcovia Európskej komisie, slovenského ministerstva školstva, Inštitútu pre dobre spravovanú spoločnosť v SR a iní partneri projektu zo Slovenska, Maďarska, Rumunska, Macedónska, Španielska a ďalších krajín.
The two-day international seminar of A Good Start project aimed at improving early education and care services for children from infancy to age six. It was held in Bratislava, Slovakia. The seminar included participation of authorities of the European Commission, Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic, Slovak Governance Instite and the partners of the project and other countries. A Good Start project is in operation in four countries in 16 selected localities. In Slovakia, there are two cities Banská Bystrica a Martin and two villages Abranovce a Zborov participating in the project. A Good Start helps more than 4000 Romani and non-Romani children and parents. The main objective of this seminar was to improve care services in early education for economically and socially disadvantaged children who are left behind their peers. The manager of A Good Start project Szilvia Pallagy further has claimed that according to the available data only 20% of Romani children are part of the pre-school education in Europe. In Slovakia, there is a shortage of pre-school institutions and almost 60% of Roma children are placed in special schools. “By educating Romani children from their early childhood we are increasing their readiness for school attendance and improving their lifelong development” stated Shemsi Shainov, the project manager of the Roma Education Fund responsible for Slovakia.
9. RÓMOVIA: Brusel aj v SR testuje ako zlepšiť predškolskú výchovu[detail]=29134
The pilot project A Good Start, which is active in 4 countries, aims at improving the pre-school education and care system for Romani but also non-Romani children up to six years. More than 600 Romani children from Slovakia receive help from the Roma Education Fund within this two-year project.
The project is sheltered by the European Commission and it is being carried out in Hungary, Romania and Macedonia. The project’s aim is to improve early education and care services for disadvantaged children from socially and economically deprived areas. The project is primarily intended to help Romani children but it also supports non-Romani children. In Slovakia, the project is in operation in four cities (Banska Bystrica, Martin, Abranovce and Zborov chosen on a socio-economi basis and from the experience of cooperating with the local authorities. A Good Start project is based on the data that show that the experience and habits gained in the first years of life are crucial and have an immense impact on personal development. “This project has is significant because it cooperates with families. The main problem we see is with the parents not their children, “said Viera Hajdukova from Ministry of Educationof Slovak republic. Andrej Salner, the project manager of the Slovak Governance Institute in Slovakia stated that the project seeks to find out which of the alternative approaches of working with mothers can bring the best results.
10. Bratislava meeting focuses on pre-school education for Roma children
11. Medzinárodný seminár projektu Dobrý štart v Bratislave
Štefánia Kačalková Štefančíková, Rádio Lumen.
Moderátor: Počas uplynulých dvoch dní bol v Bratislave medzinárodný seminár projektu Dobrý štart. Jeho cieľom je zlepšovať predškolské vzdelávanie a starostlivosť o rómske deti vo veku do 6 rokov. Projekt je v 4 krajiných, okrem Slovenska aj v Rumunsku, Maďarsku a Macedónsku.
Redaktor: Na Slovensku teraz prebieha v 4 lokalitách iba pilotný projket Dobrý štart a to v Banskej Bystrici, Martine, Abranovciach a Zborove. Hovorí Szilvia Pallaghy z Rómskeho vzdelávacieho fondu.
Szilvia Pallaghy, Rómsky vzdelávací fond: Ten projekt má potvrdiť, že spolupráca na úrovni samospráv, na úrovni neziskového sektora, štátnych inštitúcií môže fungovať. V Banskej Bystrici snažíme sa o to, aby sa zvýšil záujem rodičov o to posielať deti do predškolských zariadení.V Zborove spolupracujeme veľmi úzko so samosprávou, ktorá otvorila aj jednu špeciálnu triedu, tkorá je dneska v režime dopoludňajšom. Spolupracujeme tiež s cirkevnými organizáciami, sestričky vytvorili priestor na to, aby tam vznikla alternatívna škôlka.
Redaktor: Eva Končoková z Nadácie Škola dokorán.
Eva Končoková, Nadácia Škola dokorán: Sme zabezpečili práve materské organizácie, vzdelávanie učiteľov, sociálnych pracovníkov a všetkých týchto účastníkov vo vzťahu k mediácii a potom vo vzťahu k pedagogickým pracovníkom, aby sme sprostredkovali základné štandardy kvalitného vzdelávania a zároveň také prvky, čo sa týka toho odbúrania predsudkov a stereotypov.
Redaktor:Andrej Salner z Inštitútu pre dobre spravovanú spoločnosť.
Andrej Salner, Inštitút pre dobre spravovanú spoločnosť: Snažíme sa o to, aby sa v rámci toho pilotovania zohnali údaje, ktoré nám umožnia vyhodnotiť, že či ten prístup, ktorý sme na jednotlivýchmiestach zvolili je účinný a hlavne či je zreplikovateľný aj u ďalších detí s podobnými potrebami.
Redaktor: Projekt Dobrý štart financuje a riadi Európska kommisia. Pokračuje Katalin Brennan. Katalin Brennan: Má 4 základné prvky. Prvý sa týka toho ranného vzdelávania detí, druhý sa týka mikropôžičiek a samozamestnávania, tretí sa týka všeobecného obyvateľstva a ten posledný sa týka lepšieho monitorovania a vyhodnocovania.
The third seminar of A Good Start project was held in Bratislava where some of the project partners’ achievements and objectives were presented. “The project confirms that cooperation at local, non-profit sector and governmental levels can work. In Banska Bystrica, we are trying to enhance the interest of parents to send their children to the pre-school institutions. In Zborov, we are in a very close cooperation with the local institutions, which opened one special class. We also work with religious organizations and the nuns created a space for an alternative kindergarten” said Szilvia Pallaghy from the Roma Education Fund. Eva Končoková from the Wide Open School Foundation addressed the main success of their project which has contributed to further education of parent organizations, teachers and social workers to ensure the basic standards of quality education. Andrej Salner from the Slovak Governance Institute (SGI) stated that their main objective for this pilot project is to find data that will enable evaluation on the chosen approaches, determining what is effective and applicable to other children with similar needs.
12. Vzdelanie brzdí segregácia Martina Macková, TA3
Moderátor: Najväčšou prekážkou vzdelávania rómskych detí na Slovensku je segregácia. Tvrdia to zástupcovia Rómskeho vzdelávacieho fondu, ktorý u nás pôsobí už niekoľko rokov.
Redaktor: Rómsky vzdelávací fond, ktorého cieľom je odstraňovať rozdiely vo vzdelaní rómskych a nerómskych detí bije na poplach. Špeciálne školy na Slovensku sú vraj plné Rómov.
Eben Friedman, hovorca Rómskeho vzdelávacieho fondu: V špeciálnych školách a triedach na Slovensku 60 percent z celkového počtu detí je rómskeho pôvodu.
Redaktor: Práve takáto segregácia je vraj hlavnou príčinou problémov vo vzdelávaní rómskych detí. Zďaleka však nie je jedinou. Rómovia vraj majú obmedzený prístup k predškolských zariadeniam, v osnovách sa im nevenuje pozornosť a problémom je aj jazyková bariéra.
Semsi Sainov, Rómsky vzdelávací fond, Slovenská agenda: Rómski rodičia oni veľa ich nevie ten rozdiel, čo to znamená špeciálna škola, čo to znamená normálna škola. Redaktor: Ministerstvo školstva tvrdí, že sa problém snaží riešiť, pričom vychádza z programového vyhlásenia vlády.
Stanovisko Ministerstva školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu SR: Koncepciou výchovy a vzdelávania v materských školách, v základných školách a v stredných školách chce ministerstvo navrhnúť spôsob, rozsah a obsah plnenia jednotlivých úloh, uskutočniť zmeny v systéme a obsahu vzdelávania, zabezpečiť monitorovanie a hodnotenie kvality výchovy a vzdelávania, upraviť systém predškolskej výchovy a vzdelávania, zabezpečiť prístup ku kvalitnej výchove a vzdelávaniu pre marginalizované skupiny.
Redaktor: Zástupcovia Rómskeho vzdelávacieho fondu vítajú, že vláda vo svojom programovom vyhlásení prijala opatrenia na riešenie rómskej problematiky. Vyčítajú jej však, že zatiaľ konkrétne výsledky nevidno.
Semsi Sainov: Keď sa pozriete do terénu, to znamená, že to nefunguje.
Redaktor: Podľa odborníkov by sme mali inšpiráciu hľadať v zahraničí, napríklad v Rumunsku.
Eben Friedman: Zrušenie veľa špeciálnych škôl takým spôsobom, aby detí s tzv. ľahkým mentálnym postihnutím už neboli zaraďovaní do takých škôl.
Martina Macková, TA3
The Roma Education Fund reports that the biggest obstacle to education of Romani children in Slovakia is segregation. ”In special schools and classes in Slovakia 60% of the total number of children are children with Roma origin” said Eben Friedman, the Roma Education Fund’s spokesman. Apart from the segregation, education of Romani children in Slovakia faces other difficulties such as limited access to the pre-school institutions, the language barrier and not paying attention to the Romani minority in the curricula. The Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic stated that they are working on improving the situation: “Through the conception of education in kindergartens, primary schools and secondary schools, the Ministry seeks suggestions for scope and content of performance of individual tasks, changes in the system and curricula, monitoring and evaluation of the quality of education.” The Roma Education Fund welcomes the fact that the government adopted measures to address Roma issues in its policy statement. However, their criticism is about the lask of visible results: “When you look into the field, many things do not work,” stated Shemsi Shainov from Roma Education Fund.
A collection of media coverage of the country launch events
- Hungary, Nyiregyhaza Westsik Miklos Secondary High School 10 September 2010, Slovakia, Bratislava, Hotel Bôrik 19 October 2010
- Macedonia, Skopje the Faculty of Law “Justinian I”, University St. Cyril and Methodius-Skopje, 27 October 2010
- Romania, Oradea, Hotel Ramada 11 November 2011
Hungarian media coverage :
- — hit on Esti Gyors and then hit on Esti Gyors 2010.09.14. 1. rész
Slovakian media coverage:
Macedonian media coverage :
Romanian media coverage :