The Fundaciòn Secretariado Gitano and the Roma Education Fund presents the First National Conference Meeting for the EU funded Project: “Roma Families Get Involved”.
The project involves four EU countries (Spain, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria) and is one of the initiatives supported by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union.
The 25th of July the Municipality of Sofia has hosted the first national workshop dedicated to the theme of Roma education and Roma families’ involvement.
The Fundaciòn Secretariado Gitano and the Roma Education Fund presents the First National Conference Meeting for the EU funded Project: “Roma Families Get Involved”.
The project involves four EU countries (Spain, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria) and is one of the initiatives supported by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union.
The 25th of July the Municipality of Sofia has hosted the first national workshop dedicated to the theme of Roma education and Roma families’ involvement.
The workshop is one of the steps of a project whose goal is that of identifying national best practices on Roma education, with the aim of contributing to the development of a methodological tool dedicated to all professionals working in this field.
During the meeting the best practices selected have been presented and discussed among all the interested social actors: institutions, professionals, academics and NGOs.
The questionnaires filled by all the stakeholders involved will be analyzed by a panel of experts. This panel will summarize their findings and suggestions as an additional input for the compilation of a final Report. The Report will constitute the basis for the draft of the final methodological tool.
A second conference between partners will take place at the end of September in Budapest.
The tool will be presented in a final conference which will take place in Brussels in February 2013.
The Fundaciòn Secretariado Gitano and the Roma Education Fund would like to thank all the participants for their contribution.