Under the agreement with the European Commission Directorate-General European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) to implement the second wave of the multi-country Roma education project in the Western Balkans and Turkey: MONTENEGRO
Concerning the Call for Selection of Implementing Partner Organization – Montenegro on education levels – ECD and Primary education (ECD and PRI), Secondary Education (SEC), Tertiary Education (TER), REF publishes the answers to the questions received on the above-mentioned call
Considering that our organization plans to apply for the RARE project call, we would like to inquire about the following: given that the target population addressed by the project includes even a greater number than the scope planned by the project, and we will be able to include more beneficiaries than initially planned, we are interested to know whether the 33 ECD beneficiaries and 45 school-aged beneficiaries represent the scope planned for the entire country or per project intervention. Furthermore, are the available funds of EUR 33,030 for ECD and EUR 14,100 for PRI available per project intervention for each applicant, or are they allocated collectively for all applicants?
The question above has come from a potential applicant from Montenegro. Valuing transparency, below we have provided detailed answers to the questions:
Scope of Beneficiaries:
The project intervention in Montenegro under ECD and PRI components will encompass two distinct project scopes (indicated in the call as academic years). It involves supporting at least 33 ECD-aged beneficiaries and 45 PRI-aged beneficiaries within one project year, totaling 66 and 90 children, respectively, over the entire project duration, which ends on 31 August 2026 as noted in the call. These specified targets represent the minimum number of beneficiaries set for Montenegro under the project. However, it is permissible to include additional beneficiaries, provided this is planned and budgeted accordingly.
Both, Secondary (SEC) and Tertiary (TER) levels of education are targeted with a minimum of 10 beneficiaries for each educational level annually, 20 cumulative per project per level.
Allocation of Funds:
The allocated funds for the project intervention under the published call (covering ECD and PRI) will be awarded to one implementing partner organization. The maximum budget is 33,030.00 EUR per project year, amounting to a total of 66,060.00 EUR for the entire project duration.
Available funds for the Secondary (SEC) education level project are 14,100 EUR per academic year, totaling to 28,200 EUR for the project duration.
As for Tertiary (TER) level of education, the available funds are 11,850 EUR per project year, respectively, and total amount of 23, 700 EUR for both years. These yearly allocations are intended to cover activities planned for these levels until 31 August 2025 for the first project year, i.e. 31 August 2026 for the entire project.
If an organization applies for only one educational level, it must plan and budget activities exclusively for that level, and both years. However, if an organization applies for multiple levels (e.g., SEC and TER), it can combine certain activities across levels (and across activities within a level) to include more beneficiaries while distributing the budget between the two levels. For example:
A planned employability training activity involving both secondary and tertiary level beneficiaries could be conducted over two days with different agendas for each day. One day can be budgeted under the SEC component, while the other can be allocated to the TER component. Both days can involve secondary and tertiary beneficiaries, and not limited to the minimum number of beneficiaries.
It is important to emphasize that each of the three project scopes (ECD/Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary) should be planned and budgeted separately, adhering to the minimum beneficiary targets outlined in the Call.
Application deadline: January 22, 2025
Applications have to be submitted at: rareproposals@romaeducationfund.org