The Board of Directors of the Roma Education Fund has met in Budapest to review progress in setting up the Fund’s Program Office, identifying the first projects that the Fund may finance, and to evaluate the 2005 work program presented by the Director.
A number of important decisions have been made by the Board, which will make it possible for REF now to undertake the actions necessary for evaluating. Approving and funding education projects. The decisions include:
The Board of Directors of the Roma Education Fund has met in Budapest to review progress in setting up the Fund’s Program Office, identifying the first projects that the Fund may finance, and to evaluate the 2005 work program presented by the Director.
A number of important decisions have been made by the Board, which will make it possible for REF now to undertake the actions necessary for evaluating. Approving and funding education projects. The decisions include:
- The Program Office of the REF will be located in Budapest – search for office space is already underway, so that REF expects to be able to open its offices in the summer;
- Proposed drafts of REF’s project evaluation and standard project application form have been approved and after comments have been received from users they will be posted on our website – within a week or so;
- The Board gave guidance on a number of project possibilities which will now be developed further, so that Board action on first REF projects should be possible next September;
Search for a permanent Director continues through end June 2005 and the Board expects to select the best candidate during the summer.