REF Scholarship Program Staff, in Budapest Headquarters



 Dan Pavel Doghi
 Higher Education Program Manager


 Dan Pavel Doghi (Romania) worked for seven years as Officer on Roma and Sinti Issues at the OSCE ODIHR  Contact Point for Roma and Sinti Issues. Mr. Doghi helped, since 1996, the development of few Roma  organisations. Between 2000-2004 he was Programme Coordinator at the Open Society Foundation’s spin-off Resource Center for Roma Communities, in Cluj. He also worked as an advocacy fellow on Roma educational matters at the Public Interest Law Initiative of the Columbia University, in Hungary. He studied social work at Babes Bolyai in Cluj Napoca, Romania, and completed a postgraduate course in International Diplomacy at Malta University.

Merziha IdriziMerziha Idrizi
REF Scholarships Program
Program Officer


Merziha Idrizi is a Roma from Macedonia. She has BS`c degree in Economics, Financial Management from the University of “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”- Faculty of Economics-Skopje, Macedonia and has joined REF/SP in September 2007. Merziha has previously worked as a Program Coordinator on the project “Alliance for Inclusion of Roma in Education” within the Foundation Open Society Institute Macedonia, as a part of the Roma Education Program. Merziha has experience in the work, on a voluntary base, with Roma and non Roma NGO`s from Macedonia, related to the Roma language and Roma culture. She was a member of the Center for Economic Analysis (CEA) – Macedonia until 2007. Merziha is currently working as an Alumni and Programming Officer in the Scholarship Programs team of REF.]

  Radoslaz Kuzmanov
  REF Scholarship Program
  Program Officer

  Radoslav Kuzmanov is from Bulgaria. Before joining REF as Program Officer in Scholarship Program, he   worked for more than 6 years for the Roma NGO Organization Drom, Vidin, Bulgaria, where he was involved in the implementation of projects dealing with Roma education, desegregation, public awareness, and advocacy campaigns. He holds a Master Degree in Psychology from South West University in Bulgaria. In 2012 he graduated the Roma Access Program in Central European University – Budapest.


Stela Garaz
Program Officer

REF Scholarships Program


Stela Garaz is a Moldovan national. She holds a Ph.D. and an M.A. degree in Political Science from Central European University, as well as a licentiate diploma in Political Science and English Language from Moldova State University. In the past Stela worked at Moldova State University (2003-2004), at the European Centre for Minority Issues (2008), at CEU Asia Research Initiative (2010), as well as for various international research projects. Stela joined Roma Education Fund in January 2011.