[Български] [Македонски] [Română] Srpski]

Dear Applicant,

Become an active member of the community of REF students!

  • Be an active supporter of the Roma community!
  • Contribute to the development of all the other components of the program!
  • Become an active member of our international Facebook Group!
  • Call YOUR country coordinator any time for any support related to your application.

The Roma Health Scholarship Program’s goal is to transform the medical system from within, making it more inclusive and preventing discrimination and human rights violations against Roma. By investing in building a generation of Roma medical professionals and Roma health care providers, the program aims to tackle and help to reform some of the problematic current practices, to challenge and dismantle negative stereotypes and attitudes. Furthermore, the RHSP initiative aims to help to increase the accessibility of health services to Roma, boost their trust in the health care systems and fully benefit from health care services.

New introductions to 2021/2022 scholarship cycle application:

  1. In the upcoming academic cycle, the REF SP will only support the application of renewals!

RENEWAL APPLICANTS – students who received RMUSP scholarships in the previous academic year (2020-2021) and are applying to renew their scholarship application at the same academic level.

  1. Recommendation letters, reference person contacts are no longer required or considered.
  2. The Community Engagement Program becomes and active part of the program and will be coordinated by REF SP.


NOTE | The application process for the REF Scholarship Program is conducted through an Online Application System. Starting this year, REF SP will be actively involved in the community and alumni development of the Roma students. The engagement service part of the SP will be organized by REF and will start after the contracting part.


  1. Declare yourself openly Roma
  2. Renew your 2020/2021 applications
  3. REF SP renewal applicants in the situation of repeat year (students who received a REF scholarship in the previous academic year(s) and are applying to renew their scholarship for the same study year), are not eligible in the scholarship PROGRAM.
  4. REF can support an applicant, throughout his/her studies, for a maximum of 8 years, as follows:
    1. One Vocational Medical Degree, with transfer to another school/specialization allowed only once;
    2. One Undergraduate Medical degree, with transfer to another school/specialization allowed only once;
    3. One Graduate Medical degree, for maximum three years (Medical Residents), and
    4. One Postgraduate Medical degree, for maximum two years (Doctoral Studies).
  5. The RHSP scholarship is meant to cover school-related expenses such as textbooks, exam fees, and living expenses, partially.
  6. Only submitted, complete and compliant Online Application Form are considered eligible.


STAGE ONE – APPLY in the Online Application System – Deadline October 20th, 2021

→ STEP 1: completed (or updated) Personal Information (you may update)

→ STEP 2: completed (or updated) Survey (you may update)

→ STEP 3: access the List of Applications, select the chosen scholarship scheme, complete it, and submit it.

The Online Application System can be successfully submitted only if it is fully completed, and only if both STEP 1 and STEP 2 are fully completed as well.

NOTE – Students renewing their applications also need to revisit both sections and correct/modify the information as needed, to reflect properly on their current status.

Complete and compliant
Online Application System contains:

  1. Written assignments
  2. Attached documents

STAGE TWO – Upload ENROLLMENT CERTIFICATE – Deadline November 15, 2021

(uploaded as a maximum 5MB attachment to the OAS)



The Program communicates the outcomes of the selection process to the applicants via the e-mail address with which they registered their Online Application System account

Deadline November 30th, 2021

V. APPEAL MECHANISM / CONTESTATIONS at REFSP_contestations@romaeducationfund.org

The applicants have the possibility to contest the selection results of the Scholarship Program, within one month time from the moment of receiving the notification from the Program. Depending on the nature of appeals, REF SP may decide to defer them to an independent legal advisor/consultant.


REF reserves the right to decline provision of support to any applicant whose conduct and /or affiliation with groups or other entities of which goals and activities are incompatible with the values and principles promoted by the Roma Education Fund and its pursued goals.

Access the Online Application System