The Romaversitas program calls for applications for the next academic year as of September 2007. Applications of young, talented Roma are welcome. When applying, applicants are supposed to have two successful semesters in any of the Hungarian tertiary educational establishments; also their academic rates may not fall under the required.
The Romaversitas program calls for applications for the next academic year as of September 2007. Applications of young, talented Roma are welcome. When applying, applicants are supposed to have two successful semesters in any of the Hungarian tertiary educational establishments; also their academic rates may not fall under the required.
The Romaversitas program has been operating for 10 years with the aim of training and developing prominently talented young Roma students of universities and colleges. Successful applicants are offered to participate in tutorial trainings, computer study courses, foreign language courses and different sort of social programs while they receive financial supports as well.
Application packages should contain a fulfilled application form, a copy of the index from the first semester, a hand-written CV in Hungarian (two pages maximum), an itemized list of university/college papers of the applicant, a professional carrier plan and an original copy of certificate of enrollment.
Application process is as to follow: two professional reader sizes up the submitted papers and in the last week of June, participants take a written exam. Those who fail to send their university papers in the application packages are offered the possibility of taking an oral exam in the middle of July, 2007.
Gábor Havas, the Education Director of Romaversitas says, that the two basic factors for accepting one’s application are the knowledge and the social indigents.
“Apart from the above mentioned factors we are very concerned about how applicants handle their Roma identity. It is not an easy task, but we intend to help them.”- says Havas.
Application packages should be sent to the following postal address:
Deadline for application: 31/05/2007
Budapest 1078
Nefelejcs u. 39
For further information: +36 1 352 45 00 or