Thirty five young adults, predominantly Roma, received their diploma of „Equal Opportunity Policies” in Budapest, Hungary on 09/03/2007. The Roma Civil Rights Foundation(RPA) together with the ELTE University Legal Clinic and the Street Law Foundation have pursued a 200 million HUF worth training program founded by the European Union.
Thirty five young adults, predominantly Roma, received their diploma of „Equal Opportunity Policies” in Budapest, Hungary on 09/03/2007. The Roma Civil Rights Foundation(RPA) together with the ELTE University Legal Clinic and the Street Law Foundation have pursued a 200 million HUF worth training program founded by the European Union.
Future „equal opportunity experts” participated in a ten-month long training program, where out of 190 applicants only 40 were chosen to join the curse. As most of participants live outside the capital, they were accommodated in youth hostels for the project period.
Thirty five applicants finished successfully the training program and received their nationally recognized diploma and qualification of “Equal Opportunity Experts”.
The national pilot project had foreign participating partners from France, Switzerland, Italy, Portugal and Austria.
Aladar Horvath, chair of RPA commented that circumstances made really hard smooth managing as the program was subsequent financed. Eventually, they achieved their goals, opportunity forinterested on the same training will be available next year again.