10 – 11 September 2007, UNESCO
Education for Roma children will be the focus of a meeting organized by UNESCO and the Council of Europe on 10 and 11 September at UNESCO Headquarters. Entitled “Towards quality education for Roma children: transition from early childhood to primary education”, the meeting will bring together experts – representatives of education ministries, members of international and regional organizations, academics, researchers and civil society stakeholders – from fifteen European countries.
10 – 11 September 2007, UNESCO
Education for Roma children will be the focus of a meeting organized by UNESCO and the Council of Europe on 10 and 11 September at UNESCO Headquarters. Entitled “Towards quality education for Roma children: transition from early childhood to primary education”, the meeting will bring together experts – representatives of education ministries, members of international and regional organizations, academics, researchers and civil society stakeholders – from fifteen European countries.
The meeting will make it possible to identify key issues in education for Roma children and to review effective strategies to promote their access to schooling. It is organized within the framework of UNESCO’s activities related to education of children in difficult circumstances. Expansion of early childhood care and education is the first of the six goals adopted by the international community at the World Education Forum in Dakar (Senegal) in 2000. The meeting is also part of a wider Council of Europe project, “The Education of Roma children in Europe”.
Meeting: 10 and 11 September at UNESCO, 7 place de Fontenoy, Paris (Room VIII, level -1)