Home Away From Home, directed by award-winning filmmaker Sami Mustafa and produced by the Roma Education Fund, tells the story of a battle against the odds for a generation of children born and raised in Konik, Europe’s longest running refugee camp.
Home Away From Home, directed by award-winning filmmaker Sami Mustafa and produced by the Roma Education Fund, tells the story of a battle against the odds for a generation of children born and raised in Konik, Europe’s longest running refugee camp.
Each morning, assisted by caseworkers employed by the Roma Education Fund, boys like Samuel and girls like Habiba board a fleet of buses that takes them to mainstream schools across the Montenegrin capital of Podgorica.
Unlikely heroes in the drama to bring equity to disadvantaged children’s education, they each embark on an empowering journey in the classroom, hoping to catch up with their peers and to negotiate the challenges in their lives.
Children like Samuel and Habiba are real examples of what access to and investing in inclusive quality education enables – not only for their families and community but also for those institutions that have the power to decide the fate of children’s education in Europe today.
Let’s not think Roma children attending mainstream schools is extraordinary. Let’s emphasize that Roma children attending integrated, quality schools is the new ordinary.