Listen to what Roma high school students, adults and mentors have to say about their participation in Integrated Educational Services for Roma Communities, one of three European Structural Funds currently being implemented by Roma Education Fund Romania.
Listen to what Roma high school students, adults and mentors have to say about their participation in Integrated Educational Services for Roma Communities, one of three European Structural Funds currently being implemented by Roma Education Fund Romania. Integrated Educational Services for Roma Communities is co-financed by the Sectorial Operational Program Human Resources Development in Romania (POSDRU) and runs from April 2014-December 2015. It has an integrated, dual impact, including preventive measures that provide an integrated package of mentoring, guidance, counseling, additional educational support and subsidies for 500 Roma high school students at risk of early school leaving) as well as corrective actions by providing “Second Chance” programs for 310 Roma adults. The project is implemented in Central, North East, South East, South Muntenia and Bucharest-Ilfov regions.