Knowledge is Power engages young Roma in Serbia in a creative way and encourages them to be a part of Serbia’s education system, through participation in a video on the theme of education, which had its premiere on this occasion.
Knowledge is Power engages young Roma in Serbia in a creative way and encourages them to be a part of Serbia’s education system, through participation in a video on the theme of education, which had its premiere on this occasion. Shot primarily in two vocational schools in Belgrade, and written and performed under the mentorship of Danijel Rasitovic, a founding member of the leading Roma Serbian hip-hop collective Roma Sijam, Knowledge is Power addresses the current realities and aspirations of Serbia’s Roma youth.
Kampanja „Znanje je moć“ angažuje na kreativan način mlade Rome u Srbiji i podstiče ih da budu deo obrazovnog sistema Srbije, kroz učešće u video spotu na temu obrazovanja, koji je ovom prilikom premijerno prikazan. Sniman u dve stručne škole u Beogradu, napisan i izveden pod mentorstvom Danijela Rašitovića, jednog od osnivača vodeće romske hip-hop grupe u Srbiji Roma Sijam, Znanje je moć prikazuje trenutno stanje i težnje romske omladine u Srbiji.
Knowledge is Power is a two-month-long campaign closing in late November 2015 which aims to find the best young lyricists among Romani children and youth on the theme of education. The competition is open until the end of November for children and youth under age 20, when a jury of REF representatives will select the best young lyricist and the best group performance, with foreign-language lessons being the main prize.
„Znanje je moć je dvomesečna kampanja koja ima za cilj da pronađe najbolje mlade tekstopisce među romskom decom i mladima na temu obrazovanja. Takmičenje je otvoreno do kraja novembra za decu i omladinu koji imaju ispod 20 godina starosti, kada će žiri sastavljen od predstavnika REF-a izabrati najboljeg mladog tekstopisca i najbolji grupni nastup, a glavna nagrada je kurs stranih jezika,“ rekao je Miklos Barna, konsultant Fonda za obrazovanje Roma.
“It is my honor and pleasure to have the opportunity to be a part of the campaign Knowledge is Power and to work with these young and talented people. During the preparations for filming the music video from March to May we have organized a total of 12 workshops, which included lessons in slamming, singing, acting and dancing. As a result of hard and dedicated work, we have created this video that you had the opportunity to see today and which we are very proud of,” said Danijel Rasitovic, Roma Sijam and added “The video was filmed with the highest professional standards and nine of Roma children from Belgrade, aged 16 to 24, participated in the video.”
„Čast mi je i zadovoljstvo što imam priliku da budem deo kampanje Znanje je moć i da radim sa ovim mladim i talentovanim ljudima. U okviru pripreme za snimanje video spota od marta do maja meseca organizovali smo ukupno 12 radionica, koje su uključivale časove repovanja, pevanja, glume i plesa. Kao rezultat vrednog i predanog rada nastao je ovaj video koji ste danas imali priliku da vidite i na koji smo izuzetno ponosni,“ rekao je Danijel Rasitović, Roma Sijam i dodao „Video spot je sniman po najvišim profesionalnim standardima i u njemu je učestvovalo devetoro romske dece iz Beograda, uzrasta od 16 do 24 godine.“
“The Roma Education Fund is working in the region since 2005 to promote equal access to quality education for Roma. In Serbia we are currently implementing a Secondary School Scholarship Program with the support of the Serbian Ministry of Education, ahich includes over 500 Roma high school students. Apart from this, The Roma Education Fund in Serbia manages a network of RomaVersitas centers in Novi Sad and Nis providing academic support for Roma university students, runs five Toy Libraries in small towns and has awarded over 1000 scholarships for university studies since 2005,“ said Jelica Nikolic, Roma Education Fund, Country Coordinator for REF Scholarship Program.
„Fond za obrazovanje Roma posluje u regionu od 2005. godine i promoviše jednak pristup kvalitetnom obrazovanju za Rome. U Srbiji trenutno realizujemo program stipendiranja srednjoškolaca uz podršku Ministarstva prosvete Republike Srbije, u koji je uključeno više od 500 srednjoškolaca Roma. Osim toga, Fond za obrazovanje Roma u Srbiji upravlja mrežom RomaVersitas centara u Novom Sadu i Nišu, kroz koje pruža akademsku podršku romskim studentima, vodi pet biblioteka u malim gradovima, a od 2005. godine dodelili smo preko 1000 stipendija za univerzitetske studije,“ rekla je Jelica Nikolić, koordinator programa stipendiranja u Fondu za obrazovanje Roma.