Rising to the Top had the opportunity to speak with Mr. Romani Rose, Germany’s leading Sinti and Roma rights advocate who set the course for official recognition of and compensation for Sinti and Roma victims of the Holocaust. To coincide with International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27, 2018 the Roma Education Fund would like to share Mr. Rose’s thoughts on the Holocaust and the struggle for the recognition of Sinti and Roma contributions to arts, culture and society-at-large, a struggle that still goes on today and in which we are passionately engaged.
Rising to the Top had the opportunity to speak with Mr. Romani Rose, Germany’s leading Sinti and Roma rights advocate who set the course for official recognition of and compensation for Sinti and Roma victims of the Holocaust. To coincide with International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27, 2018 the Roma Education Fund would like to share Mr. Rose’s thoughts on the Holocaust and the struggle for the recognition of Sinti and Roma contributions to arts, culture and society-at-large, a struggle that still goes on today and in which we are passionately engaged. #Neverforget #HolocaustRemembranceDay #Roma #Sinti #Education #HopenotHate #RisingtotheTop