REF research provides a powerful evidence-based background to inform and guide its advocacy, scholarships, mentoring and grant-making. Connected to REF’s grants and scholarship programs that span from early childhood education to tertiary education, REF research aims to break down the individual, institutional, and structural barriers Roma face in gaining quality and equitable education. Through the research activities, REF operations have impacts beyond the individual beneficiaries. The research department translates REF to impacts that reach the society, institutional, and systemic levels, leading to long-term improvement in education for Roma individuals and communities.
REF research strives to achieve its above mission through activities which have the following objectives:
- Create knowledge and expertise in inclusive education
- Influence public and expert opinion on inclusive education
- Establish a leading role in shaping educational systems
- Build the evidence needed for policy change through external research and community engagement
REF Research works together with staff, donors, governments, ministries of education, teaching colleges and teachers, NGOs, policymakers and others to develop salient research on various topics with the goal of improving educational access, quality, and build inclusive educational systems which can improve Roma educational outcomes. It combines its efforts with units working on community empowerment, capacity building, and advocacy to create new practices and policies to positively impact Roma children and youth, improve their educational outcomes and impact Roma livelihoods.
Please visit our publications page to see some of the work produced by REF Research.