165 secondary students have been selected for scholarships in Romania (59), Slovakia (53) and Hungary (53) under the Shaping Academic and Employment Skills for Young Roma (SHAPYR) project supported by Roma Education Fund and Velux Foundations.
SHAPYR aims to increase the number of Roma gaining qualifications and graduating from vocational secondary education. The project runs for four academic years in Hungary, Slovakia and Romania through 2022, and incorporates young adults and an employment component. The first group of students were recruited and selected for the 2018-2019 academic year, with several of them renewing their scholarship for the current year.
The REF team had several outreach sessions across the three countries between April and August, where students and parents were informed about the program, which encompasses the REF models of mentoring and tutoring in addition to a monthly stipend. Students partaking in the project will also have the chance to participate in several soft skills training that aim to develop students’ skills in communication, job readiness and outreach, and workshops aimed at strengthening Roma identity.
Contracts with the students and parents where signed this past month in several localities across the three countries for the current school year. Following the contract signings, students will be paired with a mentor which will aid them throughout the school year and a tutor that is available to help with their studies.
Stay tuned throughout the year to hear more about our SHAPYR scholarship recipients!
To see our SHAPYR students from the past academic year please see the video below: