Spišská Nová Ves, Slovakia, 22-23 September, 2009
On behalf of the Decade Presidency of the Slovak Republic organizers are pleased to invite you to attend the 17th International Steering Committee that will take place in Spišská Nová Ves, Slovakia on 22-23 September, 2009.
According to the common practice, the Slovak Government covers the cost of the organization of the meeting, including airport and in-country transfer, as well as meals during the event.
Spišská Nová Ves, Slovakia, 22-23 September, 2009
On behalf of the Decade Presidency of the Slovak Republic organizers are pleased to invite you to attend the 17th International Steering Committee that will take place in Spišská Nová Ves, Slovakia on 22-23 September, 2009.
According to the common practice, the Slovak Government covers the cost of the organization of the meeting, including airport and in-country transfer, as well as meals during the event.
International travel and accommodation expenses have to be covered by national governments and international organizations.
Roma civil delegates’ participation will be coordinated and costs covered by Open Society Institute.
The Agenda reflects the priority areas of the Decade Presidency of the Slovak Government: (i) review of the Decade National Action Plans, (ii) Roma identity; (iii) integrated school system, multicultural education.
Please kindly note that Slovakia belongs to the Schengen zone. Participants who need visa to enter Slovakia are urged to submit the registration form as soon as possible so that the organizers can provide an invitation letter for the visa application process in due time. According to Slovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it takes about 10 days to issue a Schengen visa.
For more information, please contact :
Tunde Buzetzky and Agnes Osztolykan
Decade of Roma Inclusion Secretariat Foundation
Karoly krt. 11 H-1075 Budapest
Phone: +36 1 411-1325
Fax: +36 1 411-1326
Email: tbuzetzky@decadesecretariat.org; aosztolykan@decadesecretariat.org