Spain has a long experience in the implementation of programmes aimed at Roma, both in the field of
education and training-employment. Its approach in dealing with theses topics has been recognised as
having achieved impact on the improvement of both the education and the employment situation of the
Spanish Roma community over the lasts decades. The Structural Funds played a key role in social
inclusion of the Roma providing financial resources and acting as political instruments.
Spain has a long experience in the implementation of programmes aimed at Roma, both in the field of
education and training-employment. Its approach in dealing with theses topics has been recognised as
having achieved impact on the improvement of both the education and the employment situation of the
Spanish Roma community over the lasts decades. The Structural Funds played a key role in social
inclusion of the Roma providing financial resources and acting as political instruments. Thus, this
transnational meeting, organised by FundaciĆ³n Secretariado Gitano (FSG), was devoted to in-depth
analyse of existing education and training-employment initiatives in Spain combined with visits on the spot
and information exchange with professionals from the field as well as with representatives from public
administrations. The final aim was to provide recommendations and proposals to be used within the
framework of the Structural Funds.
Key challenges were identified including that the educational system in each of the countries as well as the
initiatives carried out by different organizations should account for the following elements, among others:
the relevant role of the families, the training and involvement of teachers and school staff, how to approach
conflict solving, how to manage diversity in the classes (including language differencies) and taking into
account how can Structural Funds can improve the effectiveness of measures targeting marginalized
communities in general, and the Roma community in particular. It was also stressed the need for an integral
approach, educational measures are not enough without taking into account other basic needs as
nutritional levels, health situation, housing and residential needs, discrimination.This integral approach
requires the commitment of all relevant stakeholders and a better horizontal and vertical coordination not
only but specially between different levels of public administrations.