The secondary school “Bajram Curri”, located in the suburbs of Tirana, Albania is amongst the first educational institutions in the region, which are trying to implement useful methodologies that help in smoothing of the problem of cultural differences.
The secondary school “Bajram Curri”, located in the suburbs of Tirana, Albania is amongst the first educational institutions in the region, which are trying to implement useful methodologies that help in smoothing of the problem of cultural differences.
The region has a respectably heterogeneous community, composed of Roma (35%) of newcomers from north-east region of Albania (35%) and Autochthones who are Indians.These different communities are very much reflected in the number of school drop outs. These families are very poor and live under standards of living conditions.
The directory of Bajram Curri is working hard to minimize the number of drop outs.
Considering the problem of school drop-outs as a very negative issue that generates illiteracy (leaving school in the first and secondary elementary grade) this school following a strict procedure to maintain the contingent of these pupils through the implementation of some tasks.
Teachers of the school try to help these communities by paying regular visits in their homes. They attempt to do the impossible by trying to convince parents to send their children to school that is a very important issue for the well going of their families as well.
Also for this purpose, selected teachers are well prepared, sensitive to use the necessary communication skills while talking to the parents.
Different projects are implemented in the school with the aim of integrating these children with cultural differences and their families into the society, to make them feel equal like all the other pupils, to break the hindering barriers. They aim to create comfortable conditions in the education process for this ethnic group, meanwhile, building and functioning integrated classes is going to be an innovative experience and will give good result in the future.
The projects of Bajram Curri have been granted by the Word Bank and the Municipality of Tirana.