The Hungarian Ministry of Education and Culture invites applications of Hungarian Minority Research Institutes, Legal Representatives of Research Groups and State Universities with Romology Departure under the tender called “Useful researches adaptable for the education of the Roma minority”
The tender welcomes applications that aim to improve the efficiency of nursery and a primary school education while also supports the preparation of additional materials in order that strengthen Romani language and folklore teaching methods.
The Hungarian Ministry of Education and Culture invites applications of Hungarian Minority Research Institutes, Legal Representatives of Research Groups and State Universities with Romology Departure under the tender called “Useful researches adaptable for the education of the Roma minority”
The tender welcomes applications that aim to improve the efficiency of nursery and a primary school education while also supports the preparation of additional materials in order that strengthen Romani language and folklore teaching methods.
The non-refundable grant ought to be used to cover the expenses of the research program, claims for arranging conferences or field trips abroad or obtaining facilities will be refused.
The accessible grant amounts to: HUF 100.000 – 1.500.000
Grant applications packages have to be submitted in three copies (original+ 2 copies) and must contain the below listed documents:
- filled and stamped application form with annexes
- detailed budget
- a summary of the history of activities of the research group or the institution
- publication list of group participants,
- supportive recommendation letter of the National Roma Self-Government
- the certificate Deed of Foundation not older than 30 days ( except tertiary institutions and the National Roma Self-Government)
Application forms are available for download on the website of the Ministry of Education and Culture:
Deadline for submitting applications: 28/09/2007
Application packages must be posted to the below postal address:
Oktatási és Kulturális Minisztérium Támogatáskezelõ Igazgatósága
Felsõoktatási Pályázatok Osztálya
1244 Budapest
Pf.: 920
For further info, please contact:
Tel: +36 1 473 7324, Istvan Raduly, OKM, Equal Chances and Minority Education Department