Deadline for applications : May 20, 2023
Type of contract: Consultancy Agreement
Founded in 2005, the aim of the Roma Education Fund (REF) is to contribute to positive and lasting change in Roma communities by promoting access to high quality education for Roma students. To this end, REF tests and scales up innovative education methods and approaches and conducts research to inform project design and policy advocacy.
Building on REF’s experience with diverse education programs designed for Roma children, as well as on international models and best practices, and acknowledging the crucial role of Roma parents and community members when it comes to the investment in future generations, REF aims to explore community-based models of alternative education by piloting Alternative Education Houses in Central and Eastern Europe as well as in the Western Balkans.
Alternative Education Houses will serve as community venues and resource hubs, with the primary goal of providing Romani children with high-quality learning experiences outside their conventional school environments in order to reduce the gap between Roma and non-Roma children in participation and completion of quality education. Furthermore, Alternative Education Houses will aim to improve the transition from education to employment. They will have a specific focus on offering access for Roma girls and women to quality education and thus contribute to gender equality.
The functions that Alternative Education Houses are expected to serve include:
- Hosting alternative education support programs for Roma children from early childhood years through primary and secondary education to tertiary education;
- Providing access to toy libraries and outdoor playing and learning opportunities;
- Organizing intercultural and inclusive education programs;
- Organizing parenting programs;
- Facilitating enrollment in education institutions;
- Providing methodological guidance and support to educators in public schools;
- Coordinating tutoring and mentoring support for Roma students;
- Offering up-to-date digital learning tools, IT training and distance learning opportunities;
- Serving as spaces for community events and celebrations;
- Exploring and celebrating Roma culture, history, and language;
- Hosting adult education and training programs;
- Connecting and cooperating with other formal and informal Roma organizations based on community needs; and
- Organizing other initiatives based on community needs and resources.
Purpose of the Strategy Consultancy
REF aims to hire a Strategy Consultant to work with the senior management of REF to provide strategic guidance in setting up Alternative Education Houses.
Responsibilities of the strategy consultant are as follows:
- Maps and analyses existing education models and good practices internationally – including but not limited to REF projects – that are relevant for the design of Alternative Education Houses.
- Conducts needs assessments in selected Roma communities based on a set of criteria.
- Consults relevant stakeholders, including education institutions, experts, representatives of civil society, etc.
- Conceptualizes the idea of Alternative Education Houses and designs a feasibility study.
- Prepares a timeline of implementation milestones.
- Designs an organigram for theoperation of the Alternative Education Houses.
- Assesses fundraising potential, evaluates opportunities, and proposes budget scenarios for Alternative Education Houses.
- Designs qualitative and quantitative monitoring, learning and evaluation methods and approaches including by identifying relevant milestones/indicators and reflection points.
- Contributes to relevant discussions with REF governing bodies and potential funders.
- Identifies digital tools and online platforms that might be relevant for the purposes of Alternative Education Houses.
Qualifications and expertise required
- BA or MA degree, preferably in social science and/or Romani studies.
- Understanding of and passion for promoting the access of Roma children and youth to quality education.
- Knowledge of contemporary education trends, approaches, and methods.
- Understanding of state and civil society programs and models developed for Roma students over the past years.
- Teaching experience, knowledge of and experience in running educational programs dedicated to Roma students.
- Strong interest in promoting community engagement for positive change.
- Strong commitment to gender equality. Experience in empowering girls and women is an advantage.
- Knowledge and understanding of needs assessment principles, processes, and techniques.
- Strong interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to work effectively with a wide range of constituencies in diverse Roma communities.
- Familiarity with key institutions and actors of the Roma movement on the international level.
- Excellent English language skills and the knowledge of one CEE/SEE language.
- Knowledge of Romani language is a strong advantage.
- IT skills.
Term of the consultancy: May – December, 2023.
Application requirements:
Interested applicants are expected to submit the following:
- Up-to-date professional CV.
- Letter of interest of maximum 500 words.
- Name and contact information of two references.
Applications should be written in English and sent to . Please indicate “strategy consultant” in the subject line of the email.
The deadline for applications is May 20, 2023.