The Word Bank in collaboration with the Government of Italy will organize a youth conference in Rome, from May 21-25, 2007 on “Young people in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: From policy to action“. The conference plans to bring together policy makers and young people from Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ECA) to discuss topics related to implementation of policies for young people in particular the participants will discuss the significance of high youth unemployment in specific ECA countries and how best to integrate or reintegrate disadvanta
The Word Bank in collaboration with the Government of Italy will organize a youth conference in Rome, from May 21-25, 2007 on “Young people in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: From policy to action“. The conference plans to bring together policy makers and young people from Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ECA) to discuss topics related to implementation of policies for young people in particular the participants will discuss the significance of high youth unemployment in specific ECA countries and how best to integrate or reintegrate disadvantaged youth into the labor market. The conference will also cover ways to promote active youth citizenship.
The Roma Education Fund (REF) is seeking to identify 8 -10 young Roma people from varoius countries to contribute to the conference and to be able to engage the participants on the new challenges faced by the Roma youht in Europe in relation to the theme of the Young people in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: from policy to action. Only one youth per country will be selected in order to ensure a good geographic representation. The trip and boarding of particpants and all costs related to the conference will be fully covered by the World Bank.
Working languages:
The working languages of the Conference are English and Italian with simultaneous interpretation.
Profile of participants:
- Roma Youth leaders, activists or involved in youth issues
- Are involved in NGO or other structure, which is working on the theme of the Conference
- Are experienced and/or motivated to work on the issues of the Conference
- Are able to work on one of the working languages
- Are able to attend the activity for its full duration
- Aged between 18 and 24 years
The arrival and departure dates of the Conference are as following:
21st of May 2007 (Monday) – the 25th of May 2007 (Friday)
The closing deadline for all applications is: 31th of March 2007
CV and the application form should be submitted by email to:
Short listed candidates will be contacted for additional phone interview before final decision.
Looking forward to recive your application forms.