Deadline: 05 July 2020
Position: 1
The Roma Education Fund’s (REF) mission and ultimate goal is to close the gap in educational outcomes between Roma and non-Roma. In order to achieve this goal, the organization supports policies and programs which ensure quality education for Roma through scholarships, grant making and advocacy activities.
The objectives of REF include:
- Expanding Romani children’s access to quality early childhood education and care;
- Improving primary education outcomes for Romani children aged six to fourteen;
- Boosting academic performance and graduation rates from secondary education for Romani pupils;
- Supporting access to tertiary education, improving graduation levels and strengthening identity of Romani university students;
- Expanding employment opportunities for young Romani adults.
The overall objective of the KfW Project “Employment Empowerment of Young Roma – Phase II” is to support social inclusion of Roma (both domicile Roma and Roma failed asylum seekers/returnees) in Serbian society, though increased graduation rate of Roma secondary school and university students and their facilitation into the labor market. The project contributes to social cohesion through increased education attainment and improved employability of Roma children and youth, as well as foster cross-country and regional dialogue and knowledge transfer.
Starting from 2019, REF implements the Project funded by the German Financial Cooperation implemented by KfW on behalf of the German Government – Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development “Employment Empowerment of Young Roma – Phase II” implemented in the Republic of Serbia. The objectives of the project will be achieved through facilitating access to vocational education and training schools and successfully transitioning into the labour market, fully confident and equipped with soft-technical skills. REF will initiate partnership agreement with the four local organizations who will serve as Employment Hubs and boost academic, professional and career development for Roma students, development of relationship with employers and follow-up of students and young adults after education graduation. Employment Hubs will be placed in four regions in Serbia and will be talked to liaise with employment agencies and local Roma community members.
Duties and responsibilities
National Employment Consultant under the direct supervision and guidance of the Program Manager is expected to undertake the following tasks:
- Develop, plan and organize activities relate to employment component of the project specifically related to the establishment of the Employment Hubs within the Project “Employment Empowerment of Young Roma – Phase II”;
- Build and establish strategic relationship with education institutions, employment institutions, authorities and/or other related institutions, partners, NGOs and other field professionals and participate in program and field-related meetings;
- Organize field visits to Employment Hubs and report to the Project Officers and Program Manager;
- Keep close relations with beneficiaries in the local level, follow-up heir employment and skills related needs, and provide support to the transition to labour market;
- Support to maintaining Employment Hubs database and individual portfolios of each beneficiary;
- Stay abreast of developments in the field of employment and education;
- Preform site visits to Employment Hubs;
- Liaise with interns supported by REF and report about their progress to Project Employment Officers and Program Manager;
- Track readmitted Roma youth and families in Serbia and report to REF Readmission Officer;
- Provide regular monthly reports on his/her achievements to the Program Manager;
- Perform other related work-related duties, as assigned, including cooperation with other REF programs;
- Participate in all meetings and events organized by REF.
National Employment Consultant is expected to deliver regular monthly report to REF Program Manager stating progress performed in the field.
Travel requirements:
- Frequent travels nationally is expected;
- Bachelor’s degree/BA or equivalent degree with relevant years of experience;
- Work experience with business orientation and employability;
- NGO experience and previous experience in working with Roma community is essential;
- Experience and competencies in working in a multicultural environment;
- Project Grant Management and reporting is considered an asset;
- Experience in project monitoring and evaluation tools (M&E) is a plus;
Skills required
- Working efficiently in fast-paced environment troubleshooting and following activities though their successful completion with strict deadlines and with attention to details;
- Excellent organizational, analytical, communication and interpersonal skills;
- Efficiently work as a team member, as well as independently, with a high level of self-motivation and ability to set and met goals;
- Good knowledge and understanding of the employment regulations and education systems in Serbia and the level of inclusion of Roma in the labour market;
- Good knowledge of key organizations and employment networks active in the field;
- Excellent level of computer usage proficiency;
- Excellent command of English and Serbian (written and spoken) is a must, knowledge of Romani language is considered an added value;
- Driver license is considered an added value.
Organizational Values
In order to develop and deliver our education programs that provide quality, inclusive education for Roma children and youth, we believe in five core values that join us together and that mirror the work, actions and ideals of our organization and its culture: Tenacity; Integrity; Justice; Accountability; Inquisitiveness
Planned duration of the engagement: 08 July – December 2020
Application Process
A complete application includes:
- Curriculum vitae or resume;
- Statement of interest, that should include:
- Your academic and professional experience in Serbia;
- Previous experience working with Roma communities and civil society organizations or other relevant stakeholders;
- The application must include a financial proposal – the daily rate in RSD as a separate document.
Application must be in English and must be submitted at the latest by 05 July 2020 to the following address: Please include in the subject line “Call for Consultancy- National Employment Officer”
Individuals identifying themselves as Roma, Roma Education Fund scholarship recipients, and fulfilling the above-mentioned profile and requirements are particularly encouraged to apply. Qualified female candidates are particularly encouraged to apply.