Vacancy: Field Monitors [2 positions]
Type of Contract: Fixed term until 31 August 2023
Location Serbia
Posting Date: September 20th, 2022
Closing Date for Application: October 7th, 202
Organizational Background:
The Roma Education Fund’s (REF) mission and goal is to close the gap in educational outcomes
between Roma and non-Roma. To achieve this goal, the organization supports policies and programs
that ensure quality education for Roma, including desegregation of education systems, through
scholarships, grant making, research and advocacy activities.
The objectives of Roma Education Fund include:
• Expanding Romani children’s access to quality early childhood education and care;
• Improving primary education outcomes for Romani children aged six to fourteen;
• Boosting academic performance and graduation rates for Romani students in secondary
• Supporting access to tertiary education, improving graduation level and strengthening
indent of Romani university students;
• Expanding employment opportunities for young Romani adults.
The Roma Education Fund (REF) in Serbia implements the project “Employment Empowerment of
Young Roma – phase II” funded by German Financial Cooperation implemented by KfW on behalf of
the German Government – Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.
The overall objective of the project “Employment Empowerment of Young Roma – phase II” I support
the social inclusion of Roma in Serbia by increasing the completion rate of secondary education Roma
students and facilitating their transition into the labor market by increasing their professional
competencies through a series of activities implemented within three project components: education,
employment, and reintegration of Roma returnees.
Activities covered by the project include, but are not limited to, the provision of scholarships and
mentoring support to Roma secondary education students, providing support to Roma individuals in
retraining, vocational training and attending in-demand skills and language courses, providing paid
internships for successful Roma graduates, and facilitating employment through cooperation
agreements with employers from the private, public, non-governmental and international sectors.
Moreover, the project aims to provide specific support young Roma returnees and their families
through a grant scheme implemented in cooperation with local partners throughout Serbia.
The Project is supported by the German Financial Cooperation Program implemented by the German
Development Bank KfW on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Germany – Ministry of
Economic Cooperation and Development and implemented in Serbia.
We are looking for an agile, responsible, motivated and dedicated person to join and support our
team in implementation of the project by ensuring employment project component, which includes:
• Establishing cooperation with the Roma community in order to motivate young Roma to
actively participate in the programs implemented by REF, thereby improving their position
on the labor market.
• Empower university and secondary school Roma students to pursue their education to
employment route with partners from public, civil and private companies established by
• involvement of Young Roma in activities under program components related to employment
This position is open for the duration of the project until 31st August 2023. The selected candidate will
sign a full-time fixed-term contract of employment for the duration of the project.
Duties and responsibilities:
The roles and responsibilities of the Field Monitor is to support and monitor implementation of the
employment project component in the field, ensure its quality, coordinate activities in the field and
report to Employment Officers.
The Field Monitor is responsible, but not limited to the following activities:
• Continuously monitor the progress of all beneficiaries with the Roma youth employability
enhancement component of the project he/she is engaged in, by direct visit to the field, especially
with regard to the advancement of beneficiaries (compulsory once a month, and more frequently
if necessary).
• Provides support to all program beneficiaries in case of regular, unplanned and emergency
• Mediates in solving challenges in the field, in the mentor-intern relationship, during training and
paid work placements.
• Collects the reports of mentors and interns from the field and submits consolidates reports to the
• Indicates possible challenges from the field and gives suggestions for solving them.
• Submits reports on his/her work on a monthly basis, and more frequently if necessary.
• Promptly informs superior of the situations that require urgency in decision-making and action.
• Performs other tasks as needed and based on the request of the superior as well as the program
Required qualifications:
• Completed higher education (academic qualifications) in the sphere of social or natural sciences.
• Previous experience in working and communication with the Roma community.
• Previous experience in working with CSOs.
Required skills:
• Experience in working on projects or programs at local or regional level;
• Ability to communicate with and motivate Roma community;
• Excellent organizational, analytical, communication and inter-personal skills.
• High awareness and sensitivity to gender equality issues, as well as ability to integrate a gender
perspective into all takes and activities;
• Fluent written and spoken English and Serbian (Romanes is considered an added value).
How to apply
This position is open only for candidates with the citizenship of or permanent residence in the Republic
of Serbia. Interested candidates who meet the requirements set out in the Call are invited to apply for
the position electronically by sending their CV and Cover Letter (both in English) to no later than 07 October 2022 [CoB], with the subject line:
Application: Field monitors – KfW Project.
All received applications will be subject to a through administrative check. Applications submitted
after the specified deadline, incomplete applications (missing CV and/or Cover Letter), as well as
applications submitted in languages other than English will not be considered.
Only candidates whose applications meet the above listed requirements and the criteria set out in the
Call will be considered for the next step in the selection process. The selection process will consist of
a written test and a competency-based interview. Candidates selected for the written test will be
notified of the date and time of the test in a timely manner.
Roma Education Fund is an equal opportunities employer.