Vacancy Promotional Videos and Success Stories Design
Location Serbia
Posting Date 05 May, 2023
Closing Date for Application 12 May 2023
Organizational Background:
The Roma Education Fund’s (REF) mission and goal is to close the gap in educational outcomes between Roma and non-Roma. To achieve this goal, the organization supports policies and programs that ensure quality education for Roma, including desegregation of education systems, through scholarships, grant making, research and advocacy activities.
The objectives of Roma Education Fund include:
- Expanding Romani children’s access to quality early childhood education and care;
- Improving primary education outcomes for Romani children aged six to fourteen;
- Boosting academic performance and graduation rates for Romani students in secondary education;
- Supporting access to tertiary education, improving graduation level and strengthening indent of Romani university students;
- Expanding employment opportunities for young Romani adults.
The Roma Education Fund (REF) in Serbia implements the project “Employment Empowerment of Young Roma – phase II” funded by German Financial Cooperation implemented by KfW on behalf of the German Government – Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.
The overall objective of the project “Employment Empowerment of Young Roma – phase II” is to support the social inclusion of Roma in Serbia by increasing the completion rate of secondary education Roma students and facilitating their transition into the labour market by increasing their professional competencies through a series of activities implemented within three project components: education, employment, and reintegration of Roma returnees.
Activities covered by the project include, but are not limited to, the provision of scholarships and mentoring support to Roma secondary education students, providing support to Roma individuals in retraining, vocational training and attending in-demand skills and language courses, providing paid internships for successful Roma graduates, and facilitating employment through cooperation agreements with employers from the private, public, non-governmental and international sectors. Moreover, the project aims to provide specific support young Roma returnees and their families through a grant scheme implemented in cooperation with local partners throughout Serbia.
The Project is supported by the German Financial Cooperation Program implemented by the German Development Bank KfW on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Germany – Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development and implemented in Serbia.
The aim is to design and produce promotional video materials about REF Serbia program activities as well as produce success stories of the program beneficiaries. Once developed, materials will require promotion on the national level pursuant to the REF visibility guidelines.
Duties and responsibilities
The Consultant/Company under direct supervision of the Program Manager, Communication and Visibility Consultant and is expected to undertake the following tasks:
- Design and production of 15 (fifteen) REF promotional video materials [success stories]
- Remote filming with professional equipment
- Filming success stories in accordance with REF visibility guidelines
- Design and finalization of REF promotional videos
- One promotional content shall last between 2-5 minutes
- Design and production of 3 (three) specific REF promotional materials
- Remote filming with professional equipment
- Create 3 (three) videos focused on promotion of REF’s specific programs
- Design and finalization of four REF promotional pillars in accordance with REF visibility guidelines
- One promotional content shall last between 5-7 minutes
- Design one promotional quality video content which will be shared in the reginal events.
- Digital Communication and Marketing
- Update social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube) such as posting and content development.
The Consultant/Company is expected to deliver the following:
- 15 high quality promotional video materials.
- 3 specific video materials showing REF intervention in Serbia
The success stories shall reflect community efforts undertaken to enable smooth transition from education to employment.
Required qualifications:
- At least three years of experience in digital and video production.
- Proven experience with similar projects is highly desirable.
- Knowledge and understanding of local and global landscape and trends.
Fluency in both written and spoken English and Serbian.
- Marketing and Visibility experience.
- Previous experience with Roma organizations is highly desirable.
Required Application Documents
- Extract from the Serbian Business Registers Agency.
- List of previous similar projects [sample of the videos produced are considered as advantage].
- Portfolio (national and multinational experience essential).
- Financial offer in EUR [please name financial specifications for all deliverables stated in the call].
Selection criteria
- Quality of services offered: 50%
- Sustainable business environment and meeting the REF objectives: 20%
- Price: 30%
- Submitting the full required documentation within the stated deadlines.
How to Apply
Interested candidates/companies who meet the requirements set out in the Call for Applications are invited to apply electronically by sending their proposals (in English) to no later than 12 May 2023 [CoB] with the subject line: Application: Promotional Videos and Success Stories Design – KfW Project.
All received applications will be subject to a through administrative check. Applications submitted after the specified deadline, incomplete applications, as well as applications submitted in languages other than English will not be considered.
Roma Education Fund is an equal opportunities employer.