The Centre for Roma Studies with the support of the Roma civil society and the National Agency for Roma has set up the „Commission for Studying Roma Slavery in Romania”.
The Commission, composed of 12 Roma and non-Roma intellectuals, has been operating since 01/03/2007 till the end of 2007 when as a result of their lobbying activity a Final report will be released, both scientific and interdisciplinary, containing „Conclusions and Recommendations” on educational and legislative repercussions.
The Centre for Roma Studies with the support of the Roma civil society and the National Agency for Roma has set up the „Commission for Studying Roma Slavery in Romania”.
The Commission, composed of 12 Roma and non-Roma intellectuals, has been operating since 01/03/2007 till the end of 2007 when as a result of their lobbying activity a Final report will be released, both scientific and interdisciplinary, containing „Conclusions and Recommendations” on educational and legislative repercussions.
The work of the Commission looks promising , as on 5/06/2007 the Romanian Government has issued a Governmental Decision, an official document assuring the Commission a consistent financial support for its activities and research work (95 000 Euros).