The conference “Creativity and Innovation in the Education of Children from Socially Disadvantaged Backgrounds” was organized by the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic with the support of the Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic and the Roma Education Fund (REF) in the framework of the Slovak Presidency of the Decade of Roma Inclusion.
Held on 19 and 20 November 2009 in Poprad, the event brought together representatives of international and domestic organizations as well as of governments of Decade countries with experts and teaching staff from Slova
The conference “Creativity and Innovation in the Education of Children from Socially Disadvantaged Backgrounds” was organized by the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic with the support of the Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic and the Roma Education Fund (REF) in the framework of the Slovak Presidency of the Decade of Roma Inclusion.
Held on 19 and 20 November 2009 in Poprad, the event brought together representatives of international and domestic organizations as well as of governments of Decade countries with experts and teaching staff from Slovakia.
Available for download at the bottom of this page are seven key contributions to the conference.
- Marijana Jašarević (World Bank), Keynote address
- Bernard Rorke (Open Society Roma Initiatives), “The Price of Exclusion”
- Toby Linden (Roma Education Fund), Keynote address
- Eugen Crai (UNICEF), “Roma Child Rights – A Mission Possible
- Liana Ghent (ISSA), “From Tacit to Explicit: Nonformal and Formal Education as Key Factors for Meaningful Learning”
- Mihai Surdu (Roma Education Fund), “Key Issues and Approaches in the Education of Roma”
- Dawn Tankersley, Liana Ghent, and Aija Tuna (ISSA), “Supporting Roma Children through Quality ECD Experiences – Building Foundations for Life-Long Success”
REF wishes to express its thanks to the authors for making their contributions available for posting.