The Good Practice guide has been produced in the framework of the G1000 i-YES (G1000 Invisible Youth European Summit) project. This is a two-year European Youth Together project that started on 1 March 2022. It brings together 5 European partners, and its objective is to deploy a mechanism whose ambition is to bring together the “invisible” youth of the European Union and public decision-makers in a constructive, productive, and visible dialogue. The project is under the following funding line: ERASMUS-YOUTH-2021-YOUTH-TOG (European Youth Together) funded by the European Commission and implemented in 4 countries.
The 5 project partners are organisations that have been working on a daily basis for years with “invisible” young people in neighbourhoods marked by poverty, youth unemployment, dropping out of school and inter-religious conflicts in Belgium (Molenbeek and the Canal zone), France (Saint-Denis and priority neighbourhoods in Nouvelle-Aquitaine), Italy (the neighbourhoods of Val Polcevera and Teglia in Genoa) and Romania (Roma areas).
This guide was conceived as a sample of good European practices identified by the different partners of the G1000 i-YES project. This guide brings together initiatives from Romania, France, Italy and Belgium. All of them have been developed in the direction of the so-called “neets” or “invisible” young people but do not necessarily have the same angle of action. Some initiatives focus on developing the critical and political spirit of these young people, while others focus on non-formal training and discovery through mobility. Finally, others offer educational support, professionalization and social support. All these projects have been divided into four categories: the first one “Discovery and training”, the second one “Education and professionalisation”, the third one “Educational and social support”, and finally “Active youth engagement”. The aim is to present what has been developed by different actors: their way of working with these invisible young people and to explain to you how they have mobilised them.
READ the Guide HERE
The main objective of the project is to create a network of European organizations to act in support and promote “invisible” social groups (young people with social, political and cultural vision, but who do not have direct access to decision-makers in the administrative-political area).
In addition to this guide, interviews have been made with youth workers, you can find them here :